Chickens? Chickens.

@Mybackyardpeepers Thanks! They certainly are fun! I've been thinking of training them to wear harnesses for even more fun (well, so they can come in the unfenced front yard with me when I'm working there).
I want to train my silkies to walk on a leash. I also have a mostly blind/disabled Pekin duckling I want to train (but she has a hard time walking).
@KDOGG331 lol no problem! (Vet tech mode, go!)
Yes technically reptiles can carry salmonella...but so can chickens, and guinea pigs, and a lot of other creatures. Every single animal can carry some disease or parasite that we humans can catch. Dogs carry all sorts of worms, as well as stuff like leptospirosis and rabies. Cats can transfer ringworm, toxoplasma, and cat scratch fever. Even small tropical fish can transmit some pretty funky fungal infections.

As long as you keep their environment clean, remove any waste within a timely fashion, keep the animals healthy and parasite-free, and wash your hands after handling them, there's really a pretty low risk of contracting things from animals.

From what little unscientific research I've done, it's pretty rare for a human to get a disease from a pet reptile and mostly seems concentrated to cases where proper cleanliness was not observed and/or the person in question was immunocompromised. In all my years of working with animals and owning different species the only thing I've ever caught was ringworm from a shelter cat, which is pretty much guaranteed to happen to all veterinary professionals at some point :p.
@KDOGG331 lol no problem! (Vet tech mode, go!)
Yes technically reptiles can carry salmonella...but so can chickens, and guinea pigs, and a lot of other creatures. Every single animal can carry some disease or parasite that we humans can catch. Dogs carry all sorts of worms, as well as stuff like leptospirosis and rabies. Cats can transfer ringworm, toxoplasma, and cat scratch fever. Even small tropical fish can transmit some pretty funky fungal infections.

As long as you keep their environment clean, remove any waste within a timely fashion, keep the animals healthy and parasite-free, and wash your hands after handling them, there's really a pretty low risk of contracting things from animals.

From what little unscientific research I've done, it's pretty rare for a human to get a disease from a pet reptile and mostly seems concentrated to cases where proper cleanliness was not observed and/or the person in question was immunocompromised. In all my years of working with animals and owning different species the only thing I've ever caught was ringworm from a shelter cat, which is pretty much guaranteed to happen to all veterinary professionals at some point :p.

Thank you!! This is extremely helpful!! I’m going to show her this post and hope she comes around haha I tried telling her they’re perfectly safe if you wash your hands and she basically was just like “See? IF you wash your hands!!” As if to proof they were unsafe or dangerous or something. :rolleyes:

I guess it’s kinda true if you don’t wash your hands they could be but I am an obsessive hand washer anyway :lau

I also tried telling her the chickens also have it. That elicited basically zero response, I think it went in one ear, out the other haha

And I will tell her all that other stuff!! You are so right! Any animal can carry disease.

I think the difference is reptiles aren’t cute and cuddly and therefore scarier somehow :lau:rolleyes:

Although then again she also thinks goats carry some deadly disease or something and always sites some little kid that supposedly died but yet she loves sheep and thinks sheep are adorable so who knows. :confused:
Sounds lovely, way to go on getting your chickens healthy after the bumblefoot! And thumbs up on the costuming! Who doesn’t love a good cosplay. When I am not farming, I’m a Power Ranger.


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@MattyBowman Yeah I was really worried about Yori when the vet found that. One of my old guinea pigs got bumblefoot years ago and I remember it being so obnoxious to treat. Thank goodness Yori's cleared up so easily, and she never seemed bothered by it at all.

Aw man awesome Red Ranger! I was in third grade when Power Rangers came out and I still get a kick out of it to this day! :)

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