Chickens, Chukars, Quail, Pheasant and Ducks

They are beautiful, and I do like them, but with all my other bird projects, it is just not worth it to build them an enclosure of their own. I don't want to get invloved with another project, as I just built the enclosure they are in. So, they need to go.
Yes, both chukar and quail will pick on others. Especially if they already have an injury or appear weak/fragile. 'scalping' is a sure sign that birds are the culprits and not rats or other vermin. I have had chukar do this to one another when there were too many in their johnny house. Quail can be brutal to one another. You can usually house Bob White with Tennessee Reds but not with Coturnix> The Bob White will start on the Coturnix heads like you have seen and once they get started will finish the job until all are dead. It has to do with density a lot of the time but I have also had pheasants and quail together in a huge pen with nasty results--one time a quail kept picking on a hen pheasant until the pheasant was blinded! I thought the hen had hit her eye on something in the dark until I actually saw a quail attack her face.
Yea. They have plenty of space, but I've been watching, and the Chukars are definitely the culprits. I'm bummed, but not all that attached to the Chukars, so they will go away, lesson learned, and the quail can be in peace.
Well, the two quail that are in isolation, one scalped and the other all the feathers gone from her head (overmating?) Are both females. I thought the one was a male, but its not. I have 2 or 3 that are for sure females still in the pen, which leaves one male. I'm almost 100% positive that it IS the Chukars doing the damage. They are now on Craigslist if anyone is interested in 2 very healthy, robust Chukers. One is for sure a female, as I am getting an egg a day or so. The other might be male, or might be female. Either way, they are going to go away. They are not worth the hassle..... but they sure are pretty.

chukars can't stand themselves much less coturnix :) I know a fellow who keeps pidgies and valley quail and chukars in an anarie but it is fairly large
I traded the Chukar for 4 female, 1 male Coturnix Quail. I feel bad, as the Chukar got a poor deal and the quail made out like bandits. The Chukar went to a teenage breeding program for release for hunting. The quail traded were obviously very happy, as they now have dust bathing areas and a large run to play in They were in wire bottomed cages before. Oh well. Now I can have a functioning quail breeding program, without the Chukars making everyone unhappy.
Cool, Coturnix make the coolest noises. They also reach sexual maturity super early, they are sort of the rabbits of the quail world. I have picked up six week olds that laid eggs the next day! Have fun!
Yea, I love the quail. They are so cute. I had quail before I got the Chukars and didn't know the Chukars would ge so violent. That's why I got rid of them and kept the quail. I especially like the quail "crow". Its super funny and unique.

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