Chicken's comb and beak are yellow??


7 Years
Feb 6, 2017
Hello everyone!

My silver laced wyandotte was just found dead in the middle of the run :( She had a very pale and almost yellowish look to her comb and wattles for a few weeks prior but I didn't think it was actually a disease or problem I just thought she was getting picked on or stressed.

She was being weird though. She was normally very strong and never let anyone pick her up. But starting about two weeks ago she would let me pick her up without a problem.

In hindsight I probably should have done a little more to try and help her, or see if she was actually dying. I'm wondering if any of you might know what she could have had and what I should look for in my other hens if they have the same problem/disease that she had. Any ideas??

:hugs Sorry for your loss .... It' hard to figure without more symptoms & picture. Did you check her over for injuries? Parasites? Was she eating/drinking/pooping? Age? How was she underweight? Could you feel her breast bone?
:hugs Sorry for your loss .... It' hard to figure without more symptoms & picture. Did you check her over for injuries? Parasites? Was she eating/drinking/pooping? Age? How was she underweight? Could you feel her breast bone?
I didn't see any injuries. Most times I saw her I checked for bugs but I didn't see any under her wing. She was about 3 i think. she wasn't underweight, i don't really know there didn't seem to be much wrong other than being lethargic and a yellow comb/ wattles.

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