Chickens coming out at night.

well there's the problem right there, those chickens are looking for peach trees. Living in Chilton county Alabama without peach trees in the yard has them confused. why would someone go to the trouble of wanting fresh eggs from us chickens and not want fresh peaches. They are putting on a night watch looking for those peach tree bandits .
Do i need to post a picture for the giant peach @ exit #212? LOL
Chilton county peaches are the best.
your chickens are moon lighting as night guards.
well there's the problem right there, those chickens are looking for peach trees. Living in Chilton county Alabama without peach trees in the yard has them confused. why would someone go to the trouble of wanting fresh eggs from us chickens and not want fresh peaches. They are putting on a night watch looking for those peach tree bandits .
Do i need to post a picture for the giant peach @ exit #212? LOL
Chilton county peaches are the best.
your chickens are moon lighting as night guards.
I agree. They’re trying to find the peach park. Just give them directions. Big peach water tower. You can’t miss it.
Is there a light in your yard or porch light left on at night?
I don’t think that would make them come out like that. My chickens have string lights around their coop and they don’t turn off until 8:30, which is 3 hours after the birds head to bed (I would reprogram them but I don’t remember how) the lights have never bothered them so I can’t imagine a porch light would either.
I don’t think that would make them come out like that. My chickens have string lights around their coop and they don’t turn off until 8:30, which is 3 hours after the birds head to bed (I would reprogram them but I don’t remember how) the lights have never bothered them so I can’t imagine a porch light would either.

It happens.
I would definitely start shutting them in at night, i know that sometimes schedules conflict but from as you said, they can fly out of their pen and they're not shut in. The means almost everything can get into your coop at night and it's only a matter of time before something gets your chickens.
they only way I'd leave a way in at night is if it was a pop door that's high enough to require being flown to.
:confused: If I don't close the pop doors mine come out when the porch light gets turned on to take dogs out.
Maybe mine are just used to all the house lights, and don’t mind them. I understand all of our birds are different and I shouldn’t compare. I’ve raised them all with some sort of outdoor lights on all the time, so I think they just ignore it.
There is light coming from somewhere. Chickens have very poor night vision; they are almost completely blind in the dark. Instinctually they go away at night to avoid predation. You must have a light on somewhere or a pesky street lamp or something....
Plus they should be locked in their coop at night anyway. They shouldn’t have free access to their run all night.

Chickens do have tapetum lucidum. So they should have better night vision than we do. My free range flock can see at night well enough to fly back to roost at night in the trees if something spooks them. And my heritage turkeys are active and forage at night at random times, which surprises me. So did cortunix quail when I kept them.

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