Chickens don’t want to use dust bath!


In the Brooder
Aug 27, 2021
Charleston South Carolina
Hi, I’m a new chicken keeper, just got four young pullets in mid june 2021, they are currently 4 months old as of mid Aug 2021. They are supposed to be 2 golden comets and 2 australorps. The two australorps are mostly black with some white feathers and one of them has especially fluffy feet, the other one has wayy more red feathers around the neck.

I specially bought a kiddy pool and filled that with dirt and sand. Drilled plenty of holes in the bottom. The kiddy pool is about 8” tall i guess. I always fill the pool with dirt/sand about 3” deep.

First i tried with DE, dirt and some sand. about a 1:2:1 ratio respectively. apparently the rain tends to clump it all up and i often have to use a stick to separate it when it’s drained and dries and use the stick again....

now that didn’t seem to work so well, so i dumped it all out and bought playsand, and DE, about 3:1 ratio respectively... this worked fine for awhile but after a big storm everything clumps up again...

the brown pullets do explore the dust bath more, the black ones just keep pecking at it. The brown pullets have been seen scratching at the sand several times. On a rare occasion i have seen the brown ones try to dust bathe in there and the black ones just keep walking around it. One day i saw them actually burrowing into the dry dirt underneath one of my wooden posts. Orange ones would fluff the dirt and lay sideways but the black ones kinda just sit there and chilled. I spend a lot of time with my chickens and that dust bathing only happened one time. I’m not too worried about where they want to create a dust bath, just not trying to encourage the bathing right underneath the post since the post is only 2 feet deep.

These pullets were with older chickens when they were younger than 2 months old, i’m not sure how much they learnt from the other chickens, but now they are in the coop and run by themselves so i’m not sure how else to teach them that. the rest of the time they just walk around the run and sit in shaded areas. I live in south carolina so it’s mostly warm and occasional thunderstorms. their coop and run happened to be positioned on a part of land that was somewhat uneven, i have placed the dust bath container on the higher part of the slope so it doesn’t sit in the part that floods after a heavy storm.

It’s troublesome to keep “unclumping” the stuff in the container, and they also started to poop in it. Question, do chickens try to not poop in bathing areas?? or is that normal?? Are they pooping in it because they don’t consider that a bathing zone??

The pictures of the dust bath are weeks ago, but it seems like they might have liked it more??? I changed to sand because i felt it wouldn’t clump as much... The very first picture was just taken this weekend, supervised free ranging.

Thankful for all advice regarding dust bathing!


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hello @mojojojojo , welcome to BYC :frow

They will make dustbaths where they think the dirt is best for their cleaning purposes. Could you just go with that? Alternatively, your pool dustbath may be more successful if you rig up some cover, so that it doesn't get rained on, and you add a lot more dirt (not too much DE; respiratory issues can result) or old bonfire ashes (trad ingredient for this). They want something they can nestle down in as well as throw over themselves, and prefer a more confined space/dip than the pool currently offers.

I don't think either of your 'australorps' are pure bred; compare with this .
I don't know what a golden comet is supposed to look like, so can't help with them.
Try filling in with normal old dusty dirt. It's cheap and easy.
DE can help against parasites like lice, mites and fleas but it can cause respiratory issues and since chickens spend a lot of time with their heads in dirt, most keepers skip it.
At first I think the black one with red coming in is a black sex link but it almost looks like a cockerel becaause I think I see male feathers coming in. Can you get pictures of the side of that ones tail? it could be a Copper Maran cockerel.
hello @mojojojojo , welcome to BYC :frow

They will make dustbaths where they think the dirt is best for their cleaning purposes. Could you just go with that? Alternatively, your pool dustbath may be more successful if you rig up some cover, so that it doesn't get rained on, and you add a lot more dirt (not too much DE; respiratory issues can result) or old bonfire ashes (trad ingredient for this). They want something they can nestle down in as well as throw over themselves, and prefer a more confined space/dip than the pool currently offers.

I don't think either of your 'australorps' are pure bred; compare with this .
I don't know what a golden comet is supposed to look like, so can't help with them.
Thanks Perris, i suspected the australorps possibly weren’t pure bred, which is no issue. the one with red around the neck does have 2 feathers in the feet, but the other one has lots more.

Yes i definitely tried regular old dirt, i went to the back of my property and shoveled up some plain old dirt that was really fine. They didn’t care for that and it got clumpy AND muddy when it rained :( since it got muddy, it basically took forever to dry out and basically didn’t dry out... i stirred the mixture to help dry and came back next day it was like a sludge so they just couldn’t use it... so i dumped it out. not looking to have to change this out weekly. Any suggestions on rigging some sort of shade for this??
Try filling in with normal old dusty dirt. It's cheap and easy.
DE can help against parasites like lice, mites and fleas but it can cause respiratory issues and since chickens spend a lot of time with their heads in dirt, most keepers skip it.
At first I think the black one with red coming in is a black sex link but it almost looks like a cockerel becaause I think I see male feathers coming in. Can you get pictures of the side of that ones tail? it could be a Copper Maran cockerel.
Hey Nuthatched! yeah in the recent weeks they have sorta started growing their tails at different rates. I definitely noticed that black chick has curved tail feathers, i’m not looking to have roosters but if it happens, so be it i guess! he/she could help take care of the small flock. I just wanted to give it benefit of the doubt and wait and see if more tail feathers would grow in... behavior wise it hasn’t been too different.

They did have an issue with some white dots clusters at the base of neck feathers in June July so i was really trying to spray them down with appropriate stuff and encourage them to use dust bath too. After 3 rounds of the spray the white dots have lessened soo much. I don’t know if it was mites or lice. i think i did see a tiny translucent white insect scurry among the feathers of a black one, but it’s really hard to tell since chickens don’t really stay still for you to look carefully.
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The trick with getting them to use an enclosed dust bath bin is to keep it dry as possible, which means you're going to need to roof over it or tarp it any time it rains. My dust bath gets closed up any time there's rain on the forecast:

They do seem to have decided that that post is where they want to bathe, so if you're completely against them bathing there you'll need to put something there to keep them from digging down, such as bricks, pavers, etc.

It's normal for them to poop in the dust bath, they'll poop anywhere they happen to be regardless if they're using the spot to bathe in, eat on, etc.

Also I agree the one black bird with copper on the neck is looking like a Black Copper Marans cross cockerel, so something to keep an eye on. If the copper keeps spreading to the back and the tail starts growing more long tapered feathers at the base, it's a boy.
Go over to the pool & scold them. Tell them, “No! You can’t go in here!” Guarantee they’ll be in it in an hour. 😂

J/K. I agree you need a cover of some sort for the rain, maybe a tarp or large umbrella? If you could cover it completely when rain is in the forecast, even better. And wood ashes are awesome if you have something to burn & collect once it’s cooled.

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