Chickens eating dog poop?!?


Mar 10, 2018
So yesterday I caught my chickens eating poop,yes poop.
They cut back on actual feed and now are just being down right gross and eat certain piles of poop,seems to be the more favorable dry ones.
What’s causing this and why are they doing it?!?It must stop!
Wow! Don't quite know what to say......... nope, still don't know what to say.......... my mouth is still hanging open. Oh, your rooster avatar is really gorgeous! Best wishes on that.:idunno
So yesterday I caught my chickens eating poop,yes poop.
They cut back on actual feed and now are just being down right gross and eat certain piles of poop,seems to be the more favorable dry ones.
What’s causing this and why are they doing it?!?It must stop!

Scoop the dog poop or keep the away from the areas it is in. There is most likely just somethin undigested in it that they liked. Also... chickens hate piles of things.

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