Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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Seems like a good place to ask my question. In process of building coop and then get about 4-6 hens for fresh eggs to eat. Wife has been on board but now says she will not eat them unless we put them in the frig. She also says She will not let them go into the frig unless then have been cleaned first.
I told her I would ask the experts on how to "clean" the eggs so they can go in the frig. Remember she has made up her mind on this so help me out on the correct way to clean them.
Here is an article from Dr. Mercola:
Cannot find the info right now, but once you wash the egg and put it in the fridge, you immediately lose 20% of the protein
My mothers cousin once moved to vermont and raised 100 laying hens and sold them at the farmers market. they just rinsed and wiped them off till the state gov't came and told them they had to use the commercial cleaner. Well, they did and she says it made all the shells thin. they stopped raising hens, was not worth the loss.
did not see bk video before my post-if that does not convince her, nothing will
I leave mine on the counter and use wash them with little soap right before I put 3-4 raw eggs in my morning shake-been doing this for 3 years-still healthy, never been to dr. in my 60's-just saying.
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So far y'all have not helped. Telling her it will be fine will not cut it. She says that She will not put something in the refrigerator that has bacteria all over the outside of it. She understands the bloom and its protection of the inside of the egg but is concerned about what is on the outside of the bloom.

you cannot convince a person whose beliefs are based on the illogical...she will never see the facts, can't help you there.

It has been my experience that once a woman get's some crazy idea in her head for one reason or another............ you don't have a snowballs chance in Haiti's trying to change her mind. Everything you have heard so far is right on the money as to care in keeping fresh eggs. You could throw written info at her to support the facts the like of which humans have never seen and she will still scoff at the idea of eating fresh eggs. My guess is bringing in anything short of Brad Pit sitting on your couch with no shirt on telling her fresh eggs are better and she will still refuse to eat them.

I have a good friend who has severe food fetishes as in he won't eat but 10 or 15 types of food dishes, we talked one day and he won't listen to anybody for any reason. This may be the case for your wife, just do what I do and trick her, or give/make her some fresh eggs and say they were from your hens. Do all sorts of crazy things to ram your point home, for those of us who have been married for awhile we Men know just how tick them off and this just may work........................... What's the worst that could happen ??? so she doesn't talk to you for a month !!! shoot fire what a holiday that would be LOL.

Wishin you luck man,,,,,,,,, scare-em straight.
Not to get off topic, but my aunt ant I were just talking the other day about how some things seem plain nasty people that others don't "pay any attention" to. When we were growing up, we used to dig for fishing worms in the cow poop, go in the chicken house bare footed (wipe the poop off our feet in the grass upon leaving), eat lunch in the field, without washing our hands (would take WAY to long to get the tobacco wax off, you learn how to hold that biscuit in the same spot with each bite) and all sorts of stuff that would seem nasty to some....and very rarely got sick. All of that stuff was normal to us.

In regards to washing the eggs....she's probably one of those people who will always think that all eggs have germs. Not that she's a bad person, that's just her "norm".
It has been my experience that once a woman get's some crazy idea in her head for one reason or another............ you don't have a snowballs chance in Haiti's trying to change her mind. Everything you have heard so far is right on the money as to care in keeping fresh eggs. You could throw written info at her to support the facts the like of which humans have never seen and she will still scoff at the idea of eating fresh eggs. My guess is bringing in anything short of Brad Pit sitting on your couch with no shirt on telling her fresh eggs are better and she will still refuse to eat them.

I have a good friend who has severe food fetishes as in he won't eat but 10 or 15 types of food dishes, we talked one day and he won't listen to anybody for any reason. This may be the case for your wife, just do what I do and trick her, or give/make her some fresh eggs and say they were from your hens. Do all sorts of crazy things to ram your point home, for those of us who have been married for awhile we Men know just how tick them off and this just may work........................... What's the worst that could happen ??? so she doesn't talk to you for a month !!! shoot fire what a holiday that would be LOL.

Wishin you luck man,,,,,,,,, scare-em straight.


Classic Al-isms....never fail to entertain and inform!
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Not to get off topic, but my aunt ant I were just talking the other day about how some things seem plain nasty people that others don't "pay any attention" to. When we were growing up, we used to dig for fishing worms in the cow poop, go in the chicken house bare footed (wipe the poop off our feet in the grass upon leaving), eat lunch in the field, without washing our hands (would take WAY to long to get the tobacco wax off, you learn how to hold that biscuit in the same spot with each bite) and all sorts of stuff that would seem nasty to some....and very rarely got sick. All of that stuff was normal to us.

In regards to washing the eggs....she's probably one of those people who will always think that all eggs have germs. Not that she's a bad person, that's just her "norm".

Lived our whole lives that way. Germophobia wasn't even a word back then and we ate our share of dirt, manure and other unmentionables while out working and stopping to eat lunch. Life and living close to the earth was just more....I don't know how to put this....more deep and integral then. We didn't worry about such trivial things such as clean dirt. There is clean dirt and there is not so clean dirt...mostly, out in the country, it's clean dirt. At used to be before all the city folks moved in and started "farming"....
I think the "germophobia" is why so many kids are so sick so often these days. They are never allowed to develop an immunity to anything! My kids get dirty all the time, tromping around here and there in manure and what not, and neither one of them have ever been sick. They get hurt sometimes, but they are never sick. Not even colds.

My M-I-L had to deal with the USDA and the FDA a lot because she sold raw goats milk and "raw" eggs (like how else do you sell an egg?). They tested her milk at least every 6 weeks, inspected her milk barn, tested the temperature of the hot water, and she had to keep a thermometer in the 'frig. She had to produce vet records for negative testing of brusilosis (sp?) and tuberculosis on her goats at every inspection, AND they REQUIRED her to wash the eggs in a commercial egg wash before sale to the public. She had to PROVE that they were organic (hello?), and she had to have a separate 'frige for the eggs. They could not be kept in the same 'frig or even in the milk barn at all! Not that she actually used the commercial egg wash. There are still several unopened bottles on the shelf, but she had to produce it upon inspection. She never said whether they "swabbed" her eggs or else could they tell?

Just goes to show you - anything the "government" is associated with, is SCREWED!

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