Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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SSS....very valuable thing to know. Shoot, Shovel, Shut-up.
Alot of you may not know it but the Federal Gov't has a program that pay's you not to plant corn, their effort to keep prices propped up. They offered it to me and I don't even plant corn as I am still on a 5 yr CRP rotation. So your president is artificialy keeping prices high for corn and ethynol in support of the greener energy initiative.
That's been around for quite awhile now....subsidizing the grain farmers has been in place for many a long year.

When I was a kid & ice covered much of the planet one of our neighbors bought a new Cadillac every year with money he got for not planting corn he had no intention of planting in the first place.
i imagined a slow down as well but was looking more toward end of oct or beginning of nov. i really don't care. i got 6 dozen eggs in the fridge. if they don't lay in the spring then i will see who is staying and who will be asked for dinner.

i will say the fermented feed brightens them feathers right up.
I knew a county extension agent that was "renting" his neighbor's land and getting paid not to grow corn on it and his neighbor was "renting" some land off of him and getting paid to not grow corn...and they were both getting paid not to grow corn on the land they had sublet out to each other. Talk about working the's like the upscale welfare program of farming. I bet no one's complaining about those fellows driving their big Ford dually trucks on subsidy checks and how our tax dollars are paying for them to drive new trucks.
i was looking for the golden egg
just wanted to see who is laying and who is not.

Yeah...not a good time to check for that. This time of year a really good layer could be slowing down for the season but will perk back up again soon. If you cull her for non lay right now, you will be kicking yourself next spring. I'd try again at the end of Feb, beginning of March. By March everyone who is laying, should be laying.
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