Chickens foraging on neighbor's lawn?

We actually had a similar situation happen a few years back. We had a neighbor that seemed like they didn't mind and went as far as telling my husband our chickens (7 Silkies) could wander on over there anytime because their poop is an excellent fertilizer, so on and so forth. They wouldn't go over there frequently, but when they did we were under the impression the neighbors were absolutely fine with it. Low and behold they wondered over there one day and next thing I know a sheriff is pulling up into our driveway stating the neighbors called because they have an issue with our chickens going over there. We ended up putting a fence up so the chickens wouldn't wonder over there and potentially cause any more problems. The neighbors eventually moved and it's not an issue now, but just be mindful some folks will not say anything directly to you and handle things their own way...
ok good to know thanks
ok good to know thanks

No problem! I think the thing that baffled us the most is everytime we'd see the neighbors outside, they'd wave, say hi, etc... They never mentioned anything about not wanting the chickens to go over there anymore. There was never an argument between us, or anything. And then, all of a sudden the sheriff's stopped by and that's when we were made aware they didn't want the chickens visiting anymore. We certainly would've put a stop to it immediately, if we had known sooner. But, the neighbors led us to believe it wasn't an issue. Mind you, the chickens had only ventured over there approx 3 times within a 4 to 5 month span.
Agree. Put up a fence.

Part of being a good neighbor is keeping your problems on your property, and remaining mum about what they do on their property. The fence helps you hens know where to draw the line - they don't have much care for the opinion of the county property appraisor's office, or the tax rolls.
Hi again! New chicken owner here. I have 26 hens and 1 rooster (all juveniles) on 5 acres of land in an agricultural area in the midwest. My front yard borders a nice green pasture of another few acres. Last fall I let the chickens free range and they stayed within 100 feet of my barn. However I just let them out again after being inside the barn all winter, and they stray to my neighbors lawn, all 20 or so of them, for an hour or so at a time, then come back to my lawn. I texted my neighbor that I was sorry about it, and would put up a fence in the next few weeks. He didn't respond (nor did he actually say anything to me about it). He did tell me once that his Amish neighbors inappropriately let their animals roam, and his barn cats sometimes roam on the Amish neighbor's property. He didn't seem too angry except that the Amish neighbor's teenage son shot one of the trespassing barn cats with an arrow. I don't really want to put up a fence, due to cost and aesthetics. What do you think?
Sorry but keeping your chickens off his property should be a priority not cost or aesthetics.
How tall should the fence be and what size or shape wire holes?
A moat ... have spent a lot already to divert excess rainwater from the property to the municipal drainage ditch. Not sure if I want more water on the property.
As someones else suggested already deer fencing would work. Its affordable and easier than most fences to install and its tall. You need a 6 fr fence to keep most chickens in.

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