Chickens gave me a healthy lifestyle!:)


14 Years
Mar 8, 2009
Dillingham, Alaska
I didn't notice until recently that raising chickens has given me a much healthier lifestyle than that of my peers. i am 19 now, and while most people my age are out causing trouble, getting pregnant and drinking I remain at home tending to the babies and caring for them the best i can. also, i have to be home before midnight to turn the eggs. my mother leaves all the chicken work and care to me because... well... ther ARE MY chickens after all

I pay for their feed and build their housing. but to me it is a miracle that i am not out with the others my age doing typical late-teen things. I would honestly rather stay at home with the chicks than go out and party.

remember! if you have a kid get them interested in caring for chickens as soon as possible! i've been helping my mom out with ours for as long as i can remember, and she finally left it all to me. i am SO HAPPY with the way i turned out. thank you for reading
i hope you all can share your story!
Congratulations!!! I love your story too.
I have a 42 yr old daughter who has been out of prison now for a little over a year for drugs. She grew up with chickens. Her sister is doing great and is successful. Go figure.
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I'm in my mid-teens and I must agree with you. The occasional party and hang-out are okay, but I'd much rather spend time with my flock. No job so I don't have the money to pay for everything. Thanks for sharing! Good to know I'm not very alone.
i don't have a job either. i get most of my money selling eggs & handmade arts and crafts. I also babysit CONSTANTLY! my nephew, the larva... he has no particular interest in raising animals of any kind bar hermit crabs. XD yeah and i think every one of us needs to spend time with friends, it's good for you XD
That's great! My saving grace was my 1976 Camaro that I was so into restoring with my dad. I've since sold that car (stupid ex boyfriend!) and now I've got a 1978 Camaro that I'm trying to restore slowly. I think all kids need some kind of healthy hobby. If it wouldn't of been for that car I have no idea what I would of spent my money on or what I would of done with my free time.

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