Chickens hating water


Luvin My Chickies
8 Years
Jul 5, 2011
an egg
I see all these posts about peoples chickens that like water and like getting bathed. BUT my chickens HATE water soooooooo much. They will scream their heads off when I try to bathe them, and they are terrified by a hose. IDK what is up with them.

Is this normal? Do your chickens hate water too?
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I think most chickens are scared of the hose. Those chickens who like water were just introduced to it in a not threatening way. Some of my chickens don't mind wading because they are around te water fowl ponds a lot.
Mine don't really like water either...
just let the hose run on the ground under a tree. very slowly so you dont waste too much water and so it doesn't get too deep. Most chickens will at least enjoy getting their feet wet and if it's not too deep they may even lay in it.
or, you can try to get hold of these plastic or metal meat trays. they are quite large but not very deep. my chooks love these trays in summer.

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