Chickens haven't started laying.


6 Years
Apr 23, 2013
West Virginia
I started out with 12 baby chicks: 2 australorps, 2 red sexlinks, 2 leghorns and 6 silkies. I got them at a few days old I assume. That was back in March 2013. I eventually gave 3 silkies and the 2 leghorns away probably in July. Not too long after I gave them away they started laying eggs. I was hopeful that my other chickens would start laying soon. It is now October and none of my chickens have laid a single egg. I knew the silkies would take longer to do most things. My silkie rooster actually just started crowing. I know the weather is getting colder so laying will slow down, but I feel like I should've have some eggs by now.
Any help?
Leghorns are a high production breed, so they would lay fairly early. Silkies are notoriously slow to start laying. The others should be starting up soon. If it makes you feel better, I'm also waiting for eggs from my barnevelder pullets that hatched 3/26.
Yea basically my silkies are just for looks and if I ever decide to hatch any eggs. I have 2 older chickens and they only laid for a couple months then started molting. So I haven't got many eggs this year at all. Thanks for the input. I'll keep waiting.
I am having the same problem although mine are a little younger. Two of mine were April hatches - Buff Orpingtons. The other six were May hatches - Australorps, Americaunas and White Plymoth Rocks. What is strange is that only one of mine (Buff Orpington) has been laying since Labor Day - and just about everyday. I call her Faith (as in Old Faithful). I thought at least the other Buff would follow shortly, but she hasn't yet. I put a heat lamp in their coop since it is getting cold, but I don't know if there is something else I need to do. They've got plenty of water and I give them layer feed and table scraps. I use hay for their nests and the Buff seems to be perfectly happy with that. They all look healthy and happy, but I am starting to get a little concerned. I think I would feel better if none of them were laying, but it seems strange that only one has been laying. I am a first time chicken owner, so I think I worry more than I should.

Is there something else I should be doing? Or do I just need to work on my patience?
My first 5 chickens were adults and were already laying. These were the first ones I've ever raised from chicks so I didn't know what to expect. I've even put 2 fake eggs in their nesting boxes. I thought it might help them want to lay, but they just kicked them out. So I guess we all should just wait and let things happen.
I haven't seen a single egg form my black sex links yet either. They hatched in March, I bought 9 and gave 6 away in June. Those 6 are all laying but my remaining 2 (lost one to illness) haven't started yet. I am wondering if I need to change anything but they seem happy and are big healthy bird. So for right now I am waiting. Rather impatiently, lol.
We finally got 2 eggs. I think from my red sexlinks. Now my new concern is my rooster. He's "maturing" and never having had a rooster before.. I don't really care for that behavior. He seems to only want to "harass" one single hen. I'm kind of at a loss.
Of course two days after I posted that mine weren't laying, I have four more laying. I read somewhere that when you decide to give up, that's when they start laying. Although my husband teases me that he threatened them that if they didn't start laying they would become soup.
(He's all talk!)

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