Chickens in the Rain??


12 Years
Oct 21, 2007
My 5 hens, 21 weeks old, have been out and about in the yard for a couple of weeks now that it is a little warmer. And doing great. But today it is 40 degrees and pouring rain. They are out on the grass pecking away. What are they doing? They have plenty of food in the coop? Will they make themselves sick? It is so cold and wet...
My chickens do the same thing. they are special creatures arnt they. So simple minded
Mine love it when it rains because the worms come up and they grab them by the dozens.
Easy, tasty, snack!!!! LOL I, too, worry about them getting too sick, but they seem to go in when they are tired of it.

Edit: I don't think they are being simple minded at all.
They KNOW those worms are there for the taking. My Red Star walks with her head down and grabs one about every 3 or 4 seconds.
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My ladies would run and fly home as soon as the first rain drop fell cacklin and screamin like a bunch o' girls lol
Now that i got a 'roo, they all stand out there scratchin and peckin in the pourin rain. No problems yet.
the rain doest hurt them at all.they are out scratching for the worms an buggs that come to the surface when it rains.they are fine.nor will they catch a cold.
They don't mind the rain because their feathers shed rain really well. At least up to a point. I've noticed that once the rain gets really heavy and if it starts to penetrate underneath the outermost layer of feathers, that's when they seek shelter. Think about wild birds outside -- they're 'designed' to deal with rain.

The one exception to this is if you raise commercial poultry -- they're so inbred for meat production that they hardly produce good feathers anymore and they get wet really fast.
mine don't eat hardly any of the feed I give them-- they are far more interested in the creepy crawlies in the yard-- especially when it rains!
It has been pouring for two days here and our chickens are in heaven! Their favorite pastime is to wade in the huge puddle that forms in the front yard whenever it rains hard. They do have water resistent outer feathers and down underneath, but even our silkies will go out, though they don't have much is funny to see em soaking wet; they never seem to come to any harm, though.
See what you started now sclank !!!!!!

Now after i went and told you that my birds are fine in the rain. NOW they come a knockin and want in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This the first and LAST time i let dem birds use my computer.They told me they were gonna "surf" for a while but obviously they lied and was lurkin in the BYC.



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