Chickens In Ya Window

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I was young but never stupid . Watched to many friends mess up their lives . and new I didn't want any part of that. now that's not saying I didn't party after all I grew up in the 60s and 70s.
maybe I didn't party enough. now I'm rethinking my life . chickens have driven me nuts. here's one for you WV and Sidewing .walked down to my old tractor shed this morning looked in the field I cut Sunday for hay . not more than a hundred feet from me were two bucks . one looked to be at least to be a six pointer and the other a spike. both good size . and you poor guys go and climb trees . I just cut the hay and they come to me .

I hunted for a couple of hours Monday evening. Walking to my stand, I walked up on 3 little ones. I topped a little knoll and one was maybe 20 yards from me. She either heard me or smelled me, and she scampered a couple hundred feet away, turned and looked back my way, but I froze, and she didn't run any further. Then I noticed there were 3. They milled around for a bit. I must have stood there perfectly still for 10 minutes, waiting for them to walk off. They were all too young to shoot. Once the last one left, I took one small step and noticed another larger one, but it ran after the others, so I didn't see if it was a buck or doe. Probably momma doe.

I also checked my trail cam and got a nice 10-point and some other good bucks. We also have 2 piebald bucks living on our property. One is 3-1/2 years old, we have been getting pics of him since he was a baby. I haven't gotten any of him this year, but my renter saw him last weekend. I am getting pics of the 2-1/2 year old.
I'm still waiting on those free-loading lavenders to give me some eggs.  Good grief, they are almost 26 weeks old!  The comets spoiled me with eggs at 17 weeks, I guess.  I did learn for sure though, that my 2 silkies are female.  After moving the lavenders last weekend, I'm still getting the eggs from the silkies.  I had been wondering if I might be getting a lavender egg, but nope, they are silkie eggs for sure. 

Both those silkies are girls! Still cracks me up! :gig I'm still waiting on eggs. I lost track of how old mine were and pulled up the calendar on my phone. My first batch is 23 weeks! I keep peeking in the coop every other morning but nothing. I'll be truly amazed if there is ever an egg in there!!

Not yet, but I'm checking the boxes every day.
Im doing coop chores today, and it looks like my d'Uccle have a case of leg mites :(
I've never had this before, but I've read about it, so guess I will be cleaning and disinfecting the coop, then trying to round these little speed demons up to treat their legs...

Sorry to hear that. I picked up a bottle of stuff that was on sale at Petco. It's for mites and you spray it on the bird. Not sure if it is any good but figured I would add it to my chicken medicine box and in case I ever had an issue, it would be better then nothing till I could do my homework.

Eeeek, I've heard mites are a pain to get rid of. Good luck catching them, it might be easier to grab them off the roost at night.

Finally got the posts up for the new run fence section. Making the gate will have to wait until we get back from vacation though, so I'll put up temporary wire across that section for now.


Looks good!!

Thanks for reminding me, is time for worming and Ivermectin... :/

Ravyn, I bought a bottle of valbazen. I've never wormed before. My chickens are between 19-23 weeks old. Should I just pick a day and worm them all or wait till spring??

The best illustration I can think of of my most elevated moment was this:
Standing in the bathroom, staring into my own dilated pupils, with a can of dip in my hands. One of my friends walked in and said "Are you ok?"
I held up the can of dip, pointed to it, and said "I know this is real. If I can just get back to here everything will be alright" :gig
That's the last time I ever held a tiny piece of paper in my mouth...

:gig I've been there before. Probably more of us have then we want to admit. But we've come a long way. And we should be proud ourselves for ultimately taking the right road, even if we detoured in the past!

So no egg this morn when I let the ducks out... she waited to show me...



Did she show you where she laid it? She is so pretty!

As the hormones kick in they may have some fights, but as long as the dynamics don't change drastically they should get past it and the second string will accept his position and keep his distance.  My non-dominant will not remain within 10 feet of the big guy.  A 7 pound roo can be invisible if he wishes to be.  They haven't fought since they were about 5 months old.

I've got 2 boys living together now. One is 23 weeks the other is 19. For the most part they have grown up together and seem to get along good. But I guess I'll really have to wait and see in the next couple of months. The younger one hasn't started mating yet, just crowing.
Both those silkies are girls! Still cracks me up! :gig I'm still waiting on eggs. I lost track of how old mine were and pulled up the calendar on my phone. My first batch is 23 weeks! I keep peeking in the coop every other morning but nothing. I'll be truly amazed if there is ever an egg in there!!
Sorry to hear that. I picked up a bottle of stuff that was on sale at Petco. It's for mites and you spray it on the bird. Not sure if it is any good but figured I would add it to my chicken medicine box and in case I ever had an issue, it would be better then nothing till I could do my homework.
Looks good!!
Ravyn, I bought a bottle of valbazen. I've never wormed before. My chickens are between 19-23 weeks old. Should I just pick a day and worm them all or wait till spring??
:gig I've been there before. Probably more of us have then we want to admit. But we've come a long way. And we should be proud ourselves for ultimately taking the right road, even if we detoured in the past!
Did she show you where she laid it? She is so pretty!
I've got 2 boys living together now. One is 23 weeks the other is 19. For the most part they have grown up together and seem to get along good. But I guess I'll really have to wait and see in the next couple of months. The younger one hasn't started mating yet, just crowing.
Is it your week to stay at daddy's already? :gig
I was young but never stupid . Watched to many friends mess up their lives . and new I didn't want any part of that. now that's not saying I didn't party after all I grew up in the 60s and 70s.
maybe I didn't party enough. now I'm rethinking my life . chickens have driven me nuts. here's one for you WV and Sidewing .walked down to my old tractor shed this morning looked in the field I cut Sunday for hay . not more than a hundred feet from me were two bucks . one looked to be at least to be a six pointer and the other a spike. both good size . and you poor guys go and climb trees . I just cut the hay and they come to me .
Sidewing, I had the same thought. I was at my in-laws yesterday and jumped two pretty big 2 points, one that was about 24 inches wide and as big as most 4 points. But the big one was a 4 by 6. He had 2 cheaters coming of his left side. I was about 30 yards from them. They sleep in my in-laws back yard where it is illegal to hunt since they are within city limits.
Duh, why didn't I think of that! Thanks.
I always need another view for the simple things too, lol... :/
See??? Yup... :plbb
Both those silkies are girls! Still cracks me up! :gig I'm still waiting on eggs. I lost track of how old mine were and pulled up the calendar on my phone. My first batch is 23 weeks! I keep peeking in the coop every other morning but nothing. I'll be truly amazed if there is ever an egg in there!! Sorry to hear that. I picked up a bottle of stuff that was on sale at Petco. It's for mites and you spray it on the bird. Not sure if it is any good but figured I would add it to my chicken medicine box and in case I ever had an issue, it would be better then nothing till I could do my homework. Looks good!! Ravyn, I bought a bottle of valbazen. I've never wormed before. My chickens are between 19-23 weeks old. Should I just pick a day and worm them all or wait till spring?? :gig I've been there before. Probably more of us have then we want to admit. But we've come a long way. And we should be proud ourselves for ultimately taking the right road, even if we detoured in the past! Did she show you where she laid it? She is so pretty! I've got 2 boys living together now. One is 23 weeks the other is 19. For the most part they have grown up together and seem to get along good. But I guess I'll really have to wait and see in the next couple of months. The younger one hasn't started mating yet, just crowing.
Worm them now... best to do it on their down times anyways... and now will take you through winter to spring and if you get really wet in spring you can worm again to be safe... Valbazen is the best, great choice... either put it on little bits of bread and make sure each one gets a piece or dose individually... if you do individually, I recommend a dosage dropper instead of a syringe... easier to give it... I found at either a Walgreens or CVS the glass bottles of liquid Melatonin have marked droppers, bought a couple of those and emptied the liquid and use the bkttles and droppers for wormer and Ivermectin... Oh, and Lady Grey plopped down and laid that egg right in front of me... got my phone out it time to take the pic as she stood up and walked away, lol... :)
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