Chickens interviewed by Vancouver BC News


In the Brooder
11 Years
Oct 9, 2008
Portland OR
Hello all,

The TV crew was just here (Surrey, BC, outside of Vancouver BC) interviewing our outlaw chickens, and it seemed to
go well. I'll let you know when they get their TV debut. I championed
the causes of sustainable local urban agriculture and legalizing
backyard chickens.

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The TV news segment starring our outlaw girls can be seen here after the 6:00 news tonight:

"The story will also be at shortly after it airs on television.

Under the ctv bc new tab you’ll find “Where we live”

That’s where the girls will be."

Wish us luck in our fight to legalize chickens!

(ps, it has been raining, and my big beautiful black sex link was molting all weekend, so she was rained on and had no tail
Well, I have been challenging the backyard chicken by law in Surrey since 2008. This year I submitted an interesting report to city counsel to remind them of the benefits of the sustainable life style. In fact we were photographed and our story will be published in the Surrey Now Newspaper sometimes this week; However, just received a letter from the mayor office stating that the bay law will stand as it is.
Although this a temporary set back but I am going to continue to get the city revise its current by law. Any support will be appreciated.

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