Chickens jumping over fence!

It’s 5ft tall. It’s a metal fence, any ideas on how to attach it to the top?
We had to attach a few feet of extra chicken wire to a four foot chain link fence. We intermittently stuck metal poles in the ground that were taller than the fence to attach with wire, as well as looping wire along the bottom attaching to the actual fence.
It’s 5ft tall. It’s a metal fence, any ideas on how to attach it to the top?
So my father wanted a puppy companion and bless his heart, the one he picked is the best bird dog I've ever seen. She got 2 chickens and 3 guinea before we finally got a handle on the situation. We up a fence around the coop and thought we were good to go. My birds have never been confined and free range on 3 acres so they weren't too happy. Even though they're only fenced in for an extra hour or two in the morning and evening, my wonderful dumb rooster started jumping the fence and taking some ladies with him when the puppy was still out. 🙄 So we attached chicken wire to the top of the fence. It worked thank goodness. No more chasing chickens and puppies at 7 am every day. We used PVC piping and hay twine to attach it. Very rudimentary but it works. Hopefully it'll come down at some point. Training has been difficult. That dog is whip smart and I think it's manipulative. You think she's learning and you're getting somewhere and give her a little more leeway and she's right back at it. Good luck
Wait until after dark, then grab him off the roost. He may freak out at first, but most chickens settle down fairly soon if you hold them securely but gently, and maybe talk softly to them.

Then carry him somewhere with light, or have a headlamp on in the first place, and you can do wing-trimming or anything else you need to do.

Or to catch a chicken in the daytime, slowly shoo it into an enclosed space (fenced run with a roof, or coop, or something like that), then go in with the chicken and shut the door, then corner the chicken and grab it. Again, it will probably freak out briefly, but most chickens settle down fairly soon.
FYI, I've noticed, at least with mine, roosters scream like little girls when you pick them up. It's really funny but shocking when you first hear it.
We are installing 10' t-posts next to our existing fence and attaching 4' safety barrier net across the top to extend the height of our fence. It's time consuming and not cheap, but too many folks who have moved to the country let their dogs have the run of the land. I'm not generous enough to provide free chicken dinners!
10' rebar works as well. You can weave it through the chain link fence for stability and a foot or so in the ground and tie the new upper fence material with rebar twist wire for a little less $

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