Chickens killed a mouse and are eating it....

Totally normal-so I have heard-but gross too-
First off I must say EEEEEEWWWWWW!!!!

Ok, now that that is out of my system
I honestly don't know. I know ours will eat little lizzards if they can catch them. My concern would be that the mouse could have possibly gotten into poison. Your girls may be craving some protein.

Chickens are opportunistic omnivores. Meaning they will eat anything that they can catch and overpower or scavenge. They will even eat another chicken if its wounded and bleeding.

They seem to be attracted to blood.
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chickens love meat

wish mine would kill the mice they leave it up to me to set the traps in the shed with the food and dispose - I have left the door open and they just look around
those silly girls

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