Chickens Not Interested in Rattlesnake dinner

There’s one that chase you!? Oh gosh!
44 magum with bird shot is a great equalizer when you don't want to have to swing around / carry a shotgun with you. A can of brake fluid and a shot right in the face with it will deter them too, especially aggressive ones who like to chase, like Water Moccasins.

Yep, used to have a .357 but never tried it on snakes in the chicken yard (had to say that because this is a chicken forum, not a firearms one) My son bought me a super lightweight 27 oz poly Taurus Judge Public Defender 45 colt/ 410 birdshot that weighs only 27 oz. and only 2.5 inches long. It's perfect for this granny to take on walks...The birdshot lays them flat immediately.

You go barefoot in the desert!? :eek:
Yep, been doing it for years. But I keep to the dirt road with only rocks to challenge and toughen my feet. There aren't any thorns except mesquite and they are always on branches easy to see and avoid. I'm one of those who loves the tactile experience (maybe there really is something to acupressure?) and believes barefoot walking helps strengthen feet and correct gait. I'm a great-grandma and my feet are healthier than 20 years ago...
But of course, I'd be an idiot to walk into any vegetation off road in snake country, whether in my backyard or the thousands of acres of desert that surround it, unless I had snake boots and gaiters.
And in these parts, we only hike and crawl over boulders in our mountains in winter when snakes are underground napping, regardless of footwear (snakes bite through shoes). Crawling over boulders exposes many body parts, including your face, to startled snakes.
Hijacking this briefly to barefoot enthusiast forum: But when it gets too jagged, I hike in Earthrunner sandals. Extremely rugged and its Primal Run Amoks.
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44 magum with bird shot is a great equalizer when you don't want to have to swing around / carry a shotgun with you. A can of brake fluid and a shot right in the face with it will deter them too, especially aggressive ones who like to chase, like Water Moccasins.

Yep, used to have a .357 but never tried it on snakes in the chicken yard (had to say that because this is a chicken forum, not a firearms one) My son bought me a super lightweight 27 oz poly Taurus Judge Public Defender 45 colt/ 410 birdshot that weighs only 27 oz. and only 2.5 inches long. It's perfect for this granny to take on walks...The birdshot lays them flat immediately.
Yep, been doing it for years. But I keep to the dirt road with only rocks to challenge and toughen my feet. There aren't any thorns except mesquite and they are always on branches easy to see and avoid. I'm one of those who loves the tactile experience (maybe there really is something to acupressure?) and believes barefoot walking helps strengthen feet and correct gait. I'm a great-grandma and my feet are healthier than 20 years ago...
But of course, I'd be an idiot to walk into any vegetation off road in snake country, whether in my backyard or the thousands of acres of desert that surround it, unless I had snake boots and gaiters.
And in these parts, we only hike and crawl over boulders in our mountains in winter when snakes are underground napping, regardless of footwear (snakes bite through shoes). Crawling over boulders exposes many body parts, including your face, to startled snakes.
Hijacking this briefly to barefoot enthusiast forum: But when it gets too jagged, I hike in Earthrunner sandals. Extremely rugged and its Primal Run Amoks.
That’s cool!! I am a wimp and I don’t think I could do that 😂 doesn’t the sand get super hot?
The sand can get hot but believe it or not, when you do this kind of stuff, your body parts get used to it and it does not bother you much. Kind of like blacksmiths hands. I pour lead, burned myself too many times to count, after a while you kind of just wince and go on, it does not affect you, callus' etc etc

That’s cool!! I am a wimp and I don’t think I could do that 😂 doesn’t the sand get super hot?
The word "desert" always brings images to mind of the Sahara, but I live in the Arizona Sonora, very different. The roads are mostly dirt, not sand, but both would get hot, yes! But I leave the house very early and never walk in the heat.
After moonsoons:

In Winter

This week
Wow what a waste. The meat woulda been on my table and the hide tanned.
Maybe the next time, I'll it...ew...and eating it..uurp! Guess it's all in the mind, eh? We have an in-law from India who almost retches when he sees us drink milk.
Mail the next one to you? That oughta get me arrested for terrorism...😂

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