chickens not laying eggs...


Jesus Loves You🌵
Apr 23, 2021
In the beginning of this year, we've had great egg production - around 2 dozen a day.
It's true, we've had some losses (only a couple hens), so now our hen count is at 25. In the beginning of this year, it was almost 30.

Now, we are only getting about 10 eggs. What could be the issue? Stress?
Whatever it may be, I'm willing to try and fix it because we cannot support our entire household and families with less than a dozen. And we have customers that buy our eggs on a weekly basis, claiming "we want your fresh, orange-yolked goodness, rather than pale store-bought old eggs".

The flock has constant access to water. Dry food (mixed grains, layer pellets, whole corn, etc.) is given once in the morning, then we let them out to free range all day long. And sometimes in the evening we give them a little more dry food. In the morning, also, we give them a bucket of food scraps. With our big family, we get lots and lots of food scraps which they LOVE.

Are we doing something wrong? Are they stressed? Our neighbors have dogs that bark alot- could that be an issue?

Thanks in advance for any responses.

edit: I forgot to add that we mix in crushed oyster shell for calcium into their dry food every day.
It could be stress too. How old are they? What's the temperature like where you are? My hens have stopped laying besides one great bantam and some of my pullets because it's been over 100 most days recently
I'm in MA, and we've never had a wetter summer. Rain. Constant Rain. Every single day, non-stop. Thunderstorms. Could that be scaring them?
(age) they are all different ages. the oldest are about 4 years, the youngest are chicks but the youngest layers are almost a year old.
It might not be scaring them, but it might not be enough light. Chickens, day length and light intensity are very closely connected to egg laying.

Excessive heat will reduce laying.

OR - with a sudden drop in egg production I have often found that the chickens have a secret nest. They get a notion not to lay in the perfectly fine nests I have for them, but found a place they think is better. Go out and sit with them, until you hear the egg song, and see just where they are laying. People always say, "Oh no, not mine, I would see it...but they can be very good at hiding something nearly in plain sight.

But how old are they? Cause if you have had them a year, fall is coming, and so will the molt. It is a wee bit early for molting to be coming on, but it will definitely be here in a few weeks, and that will drastically cut down your daily production.

Also - what kind of chickens do you have?

Mrs K
Just out of curiosity, are you feeding a commercial chicken feed, or are you feeding a feed you make yourself? If so, can you list every ingredient in the feed? How much do you feed them morning and night as well.
I agree with the others as to why the sudden drop in production may occur, hopefully you can get the egg count up again soon!
In the beginning of this year, we've had great egg production - around 2 dozen a day.
It's true, we've had some losses (only a couple hens), so now our hen count is at 25. In the beginning of this year, it was almost 30.

Now, we are only getting about 10 eggs. What could be the issue? Stress?
Whatever it may be, I'm willing to try and fix it because we cannot support our entire household and families with less than a dozen. And we have customers that buy our eggs on a weekly basis, claiming "we want your fresh, orange-yolked goodness, rather than pale store-bought old eggs".

The flock has constant access to water. Dry food (mixed grains, layer pellets, whole corn, etc.) is given once in the morning, then we let them out to free range all day long. And sometimes in the evening we give them a little more dry food. In the morning, also, we give them a bucket of food scraps. With our big family, we get lots and lots of food scraps which they LOVE.

Are we doing something wrong? Are they stressed? Our neighbors have dogs that bark alot- could that be an issue?

Thanks in advance for any responses.

edit: I forgot to add that we mix in crushed oyster shell for calcium into their dry food every day.
Could be the heat

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