Chickens not laying!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Feb 5, 2014
Hello! Out of my flock of 5 hens, only one is laying! One is raising chicks, so she gets a pass, but I don't know why my other 3 have completely quite laying!? They are around 3 years old. They free range and have a big clean coop and a nice roo. They appear to be healthy and happy, but haven't layed for months! They stopped around fall, when molting, and never started again (one did, and has stopped again). Could it be age already? Or maybe don't like the roo mating (he's a fairly new addition).
What breed are they?

What do you feed them?

They could be laying while free ranging and you just haven't found the spot yet or predators are eating the eggs. You should keep them cooped up for a few days.
They should definitely be laying, although eggs daily should not be expected. The fact that is multiple hens suggests that it could be something with nutrition or worms possibly. BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING THERE IS A HUGE CHANCE THAT THEY ARE JUST LAYING OUTSIDE OF THE COUP WHILE FREE RANGING. Is there water close to the coup and are there any signs of mites in the nest boxes?

This video might help:
Thanks for the replies! I'm still not sure why they aren't laying! I cleaned their mites. I searched the yard for secret stashes to no avail. I put some wooden eggs in the nest box and have been giving them probiotics. They eat layer feed and get corn and mealworms and some scraps. I haven't wormed them in a while, but their poo looks okay. They sneeze that normal? I have 5 layers and I'm lucky to get 1 egg a day!

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