chickens not laying


In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 4, 2011
hi i have 5 new jersy giants that were laying great this summer but since fall hit im only getting one egg a day and i have 4 hens i got at tractor supply this spring that havent layed a egg yet someone said im not giving them enough food i give them about 1 folders coffee can of food a day with some oystar shell and let them free range in my yard THANKS:cd
Maybe your Jersey Giants are getting ready to molt. Most chickens molt in the fall right? Most birds stop laying when they are molting.
What sized "Folger's Coffe Can"? 12 oz? 2 lbs? 3 lbs? Five giant hens need than coffee can to be at least the 2 lb size.

Ranging vitality is decreasing each day. It's getting too cold for worm, bugs, etc., here. As winter arrives, there will no added benefit from the range at all. Also, the ever decreasing light is taking a toll. If you wish, add a few hours of pre-dawn light, by using a timer. Finally, be really, really sure they've mastered laying ONLY in the nest boxes and aren' laying off site.
You'll need artificial light if you want eggs. I didn't reset my light timer for a few days and they stopped laying for almost 3 days. They get 15 hours now and we're back in business.

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