Chickens not roosting on roosting bars


Jul 4, 2020
Hi everyone, I have been trying to find the answer myself with little luck. Here is my possible problem: I have 4 chickens (hens) that I moved into a 4’x 8’ coop at the beginning of September. I did not have a problem with them roosting at all. There are 3 roost with one being higher than the others. For most of the time they all roosted on the highest roost until I covered the windows when it became cold at the end of last month. Since then it’s been all over the place. 1 chicken will roost, now, where she was roosting before, but the others will lay on the ground. For a while I had 3 roosting on the roosting bar and one roosting on the ground under them (we all know that wasn’t a good choice). I put the 3 on the closet roosting bar to the door every night for 4 nights now. Is this something I need to worry about or should I just let it go? I know it’s partly to the change, but shouldn’t they be over it after a few weeks? Thanks for all your help!
I wouldn't think so since there are vents in the back that let in light and the one chicken can get on the roost, but who knows, maybe the others can't see as well. I will open one of the windows and then shut it after I shut them up for the night and see if that works. It could be that its too dark. Thanks for your reply!
Post some pics, inside and out, of your coop.
Not sure where you are, but you might want to just check your perches and make sure you don't have any mite issues. Also, rather than have solid coverings over the windows, could you cover at least one with thick plastic to let some light in?
I was thinking the same thing and I checked for mites, but didn’t see any. 3 out of 4 were roosted tonight when I left the window open. I think I might try the thick plastic instead.
Nice looking coop but yes you need more ventilation than those tiny vents in the back can provide. And light as well - you have those nice windows but they can't provide light if they're covered up.

Did you actually check if the windows are letting in draft, or did you close up the windows because you feel it's cold? If there's little to no draft there's no reason to close up or cover the windows, even in winter. My top roost sits directly between two windows but I very rarely need to close them, as there's usually no issue with drafts as they don't face predominant wind directions.

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