We live in central FL as well. We have a removable door on the front end of the coupe so that helps, there is wire behind it so they are still well protected even from FL rains.

We also built them a small airy tent to provide more shade and give them extra melons.

In addition, if I'm out there I just grab their water feeder and move it an inch they all come running and drink and that helps to keep them cool. Ours is large so we add a few blocks of ice on an occassion as well.
we put a sprinkler on them a while, they cluck in disgust for a little bit, then get used to it, it cools them down quick.
Thank you for this tip.

I tried this today and it works great!! I just hooked it on the fence and the chickens really liked it. Saved me from having to buy one of those mister things.

Sometimes I'm just stupid to the obvious!
Hope all your babies did ok in the heat today. we were 103 in the shade. we live in melbourne area. My husband put a hose on top of their enclosure with a round little sprinkler. they wanted nothing to do with the sprinkler, but they did play in the puddles, so I think that helped. we also put a cake pan out there with water and ice. the ice melted as fast as we put it out there. so we put 4- 16oz bottles of water in freezer and will put those in the pan for them tomorrow. they did go in the house more today. we put fans out there yesterday. i think they may have been scared of them. we got the fans at home depot, and they actually have thermostats on them so you can set them to cycle off at whatever temp you like. which is very nice. you don't have to worry about plugging and unplugging them. well good luck keeping the cool. stay cool yourselve. it is absolutely miserable out.
My girls have been panting as well. The fans and the mister has worked great. However, I noticed that after several very hot days the girls were wheezing/raspy. First it was the SLW's. All three had some problems with the heat. Then my largest BO started too. So I took them in the house into the A/C and they seemed to recover. There is still some light wheezing but nothing like it was. Geez, it was almost like listening to someone with emphysema smoking a cigarette. no coughing - just the wheezing. It was bad Monday night - which was after having 5 days of upper 90's with heat indexes in the mid-100's.

My questions:
is this normal?
how long does this take to go away?

The SLW's are now back in the coop and run. We've put shade cloth over half of the run - the other half is shaded by a large tree. We've used fans in the coop and the run along with ice packs and ice cubes in their water. I haven't gotten to the store to get watermelon but we've been giving them grapes and yogurt along with electrolytes in their water. But this wheezing really has my DW concerned.
I do not know any answers to your questions since this is my first year with chickens.

I though that RIR were a hardy breed meaning they can handle the heat and cold? I am lost as to why at 10pm last night mine were still panting and seemed hot if they are to be considered hardy? Maybe I have the wrong definition for hardy?

Tip for the watermelon- I scoop out what I am going to save for myself and freeze the rind and then give it to them. It is really cold and they eat on it for hours since it is kinda hard to begin with.
The watermelon is a great idea, and freezing it makes sense. I have some large plastic ice cream tubs that I'm going to fill and freeze to put out there. Thanks for the ideas!

We're in a major drought and heat wave in central Texas. This week it's been well over 100 every day. Yesterday, my truck said 105 in the shade. Thermometer on the house said 106. Ugh. I turned on a sprinkler in the chicken run and the guineas ran straight for the water and layed down in the mist. The older hens didn't want to get wet, but the pullets eventually figured out that it was cooler there. They're definitely panting though.
I am hoping to have my fencing for the henyard done soon, until then my pullets are stuck in their coop - a converted garden shed.
It actually seems to be a bit cooler in there with the people door closed, I leaved the smaller (2'WX5'H) poultry-screened door open for them to get some light & air.
They have been panting in the last couple days when temps went above 90 & humid. All are still active, drinking, eating and not looking too distressed.

Sorry to ramble, my actual question is:
I'd love to leave my hose set to Mist for them when I'm at home and can let them out into the yard.
I get my water from a well. Can I leave the hose running for 8h+ and not cause a probem with the well pump?
I live in Texas and its supposed to be 101* today. My chickens are in the shade all day and when they are really panting I will sprinkle the ground with water. They love it they will go and scratch in it and lay down it it to cool down. That seems to help. Good luck keeping your babies cool!!

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