Chickens that get loud for egg song

My loudest by far is my Barred Rock. The entire neighborhood knows when she has laid an egg, and sometimes she lets us know when someone else has laid one, too. And my marans is actually the second loudest. My EE is quiet, while the Olive Egger EE that just started laying has gotten louder by the day. My Production Red and Leghorn are not quite as loud, but still vocal about it.
My two Delaware girls are the noisiest layers I have ever had. They sing when they lay, and they sing when someone else lays and they let the world know whenever they hear the door open, the sign that a human is approaching with treats.

The Marans sisters are the quietest, with my little bantam ee's in the middle. The ee egg song sounds so squeaky and funny and shrill since they are bantams. Cute!
My BSL hen is very quite compared to my Cochin hens. Can you say really really loud. I also have a RSL pullet and a WPR pullet that are very loud. So far the rest are quite or not laying yet.
Thanks for eveyone's feedback. Here is an updated info:

Egg Song for Hens
Quiet Moderate Very Loud

American Game Fowl Marans Ameraucanas
Australorp Orpington Araucanas
Black Sex Link Barred Rocks
Cochin Brahmas
Oriental Game Fowl Delaware
Shamo EE
Red Sex Link
White Plymouth Rock
Shamo's are Oriental Gamefowl.
I have three Buff orphingtons and two EE. They have been laying for about a month now and I have heard nothing from them. I have watched a couple of my BO's and one of my EE's while them lay their egg and still nothing. A little dissapointed.
One of my BSL hens did the egg song for the first time this morning and she was loud. I heard her through the closed door - no windows open. When I went out I was worried she'd wake the neighbors! No egg yet, though.

Wanted to add that since this IS the first time I've heard an egg song I guess she could have been quiet compared to other breeds. Seemed loud at the time, though!
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i have twoBO
betty is really quiet lays heregg in silence and stuts around the garden
wilma onthe other hand screams the coop down while laying the egg for about 2 hours then stops out sings about it after an hour of rest first andshe is a loud mouth !
she even wakes eveyoneup a morning if sheis locked in the run/coop area past 6 oclock

thankfully she has stopped while she has babies otherwise i am not sure the neighbours are able to take it !!
without a doubt my leghorns are the loudest.... 2 of them go on for about 15 minutes after laying. I also have 1 of my 4 RIR's that is extremely loud. The other RIR's, BSL's and Marans are pretty quiet about it. In fact I don't think my Marans have ever sang the egg song.... Now if the BCM roo was as quiet as the hens.....
My BSL and EE's are soooo loud. They sing, not only for themselves, but when another girl is laying an egg, or even doing a scout out of the nest box. It's like they're a cheer squad!

My sussex seem to be fairly low key. Haven't heard anything from them. They're chatty otherwise though.
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