I was thinking of adding some white chickens to my flock (as I already have black and lots of dark colors) the next time I decide I need more which probably won't be until next year at the soonest but most likely the year after. But I already have way more eggs than I can use and 6 more pullets that will be laying by next year. So I was hoping I could find a breed that would suit what I'm looking for
I really love my wyandottes so I was considering Columbian wyandottes but mine lay pretty regularly. The winters here aren't very harsh but the summers can be quite humid but they do have plenty of shade and ventilation and I provide multiple waterers. I prefer calmer breeds but that's not too important as I already have some that are quite tame. They have ample space to free range so no worries there. Does anyone have any suggestions for what might best fit what I'm looking for? Thank you in advance if you do!