Chickens wasting away and I'm stumped. Cocci?

The medication is very effective, but you may not see anything in droppings. Often as they die off they are just digested by the bird. Make sure you do the second dose at 10 days, that breaks the cycle and makes sure you got them all. Then you should be ok unless/until they are reinfected by eating another host that is carrying them. I think within a few days they will likely perk up, hopefully droppings will start to look more normal. Weight gain is going to take a bit longer.
If you don’t see any worm eggs that would be a good thing. You may or may not see more tapeworms. The second treatment in 14 days will get any newly hatched eggs, so hopefully that will take care of them. But they can become reinfected if they are exposed again to an intermediate host or to any eggs inside those tapeworm segments (proflottids) in droppings. Here is a graphic:


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