Chickens who HATE snow?

I think for my chickens its more a matter of the cold, not the snow per se.

But...sometimes they like to hang out under an umbrella--all night--in the cold and snow--even below zero. Look at poor little Soleil, I guess its better to be in the snow than to risk the Mean Girls, (poor dear has Chicken Asperger's):
Our chickens experienced their first snow ever a couple of weeks ago....4 inches of it which is highly unusual. When the coop door was opened they came running out to eat and never looked back. They were let out to graze and went on about their business. We were really surprised. I wish pictures were taken but DH is not very good at doing that. UGH! Though this winter has been unusually cold for SC they still go out each day to eat and graze. When the wind gets really bad is when they will stay inside for longer periods.
My chickens used to refuse to even think about going out in the snow, but being avid foragers, after about 5 days they got cabin fever and left tracks in the snow all over the place. They don't let me see them doing it though.
I must have odd ball chickens, the girls love the snow! They come out and act like nothings happened. They however didn't tolerate the ice well, they wouldn't step foot on it.
I think most chickens hate snow. Tuesday night, when they were forecasting 5-8" of snow, we locked up the pop door and left the run gate open since my big babies don't like to come outside when there's snow in front of the door (even if it's just a small drift 3 feet out from the door, they still feel the need to fly over it). Sunday, several of them apparently got tired of staring at each others' beaks and decided to go outside in spite of the snow. So we closed the gate and opened the pop door, and most of the flock has ventured out for brief stints in the snow, but they don't go far and they usually need to be coaxed with scratch or other treats. Oh well, at least I'm not seeing any feather picking, so I guess the cabin fever isn't too bad yet. And now that the days are getting longer I'm at least getting eggs again (4-6/day from 18 hens). Funny though that someone else mentioned their sussex were the ones who didn't seem to mind the snow, as the two who initiated Sunday's "jail break" were my speckled sussex girls, followed by my EE.
Too funny! My girls won't go out in the foreign stuff either... except for our red one... she was out having a grand time! the others wandered about a foot out... ate some snow.. and retreated back in for the day!
My girls are spoiled to California weather here it was almost 70 today! Two of my girls were shipped from Chicago so they're likely wondering where the snow went? Don't know if they miss it.both those girls on a sunny winters day will stretch out on their sides in the sun. It's so funny to watch. They will hold there wing up like they are getting a tan! Don't think they mind being a California chicken!!
First year. Young and Naïve. Curious.

This one ended up that we had to carry them all back to the run. They were stuck, and Eagle bait for about a half hour in the same spot.

And Since then....... When there is snow wattle deep.... This is where they prefer to be in their older and "wiser" years. LOL.

Big "chickens"!
Bogtown, that first picture is just breathtaking! I think that one deserves to make it into the calendar for sure.

This weekend my husband went to take care of the chickens by himself, and I missed the Chickens on Ice spectacular. He said it was hilarious. Apparently, when people flail their arms it helps them keep their balance; when chickens flap their "arms" for balance, it propels them across the ice.

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