chickens who roll and forget how to stand

Team Nathumn

In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 23, 2014
ok. this is either something really common or something really weird....
my chickens since becoming outdoor chickens sometimes will roll in dirt. when they are done some of them, it seems, have forgotten how to walk correctly. they do a kind-of squat walk. it really freaks me out! is this normal? is this a sign of something? help!
Rolling in dirt is called dust bathing...all chickens do this.
Is the squat walk just a few steps or have they never stood up again?
How old are the birds?
thank you for responding flock master. once they are done rolling some squat walk, sometimes, for just a few steps. other times it can last a while like 30 min or so and they keep lying down after....
Chickens do weird things....just observe and learn....if they are still eating and drinking and roosting ok, they're probably OK.

How old are long have you had them?
they were born beginning of april. i've had them since they were 1 week old. they seem to be fine, otherwise. i thought maybe this is just a weird chicken thing i've never heard of. lol
I've seen mine crawl around like that while dust bathing when they were little, sometimes the adults do it too.

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