Chickens with a cold.... sneezing


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 1, 2011
Queensland, Australia
Hi there

My chickens seem to have a cold and are sneezing with runny noses, when they sneeze they sound like a duck quacking. Is this anything to worry about should I be giving them something?

Could my kids have given them something as they have all been sick lately with runny noses, nothing too serious but they hold the chickens all the time.

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sneezing is generally nothing to get in a yank about. Food or dirt in the nostril, dry dusty weather can cause anyone to sneeze. Runny roses with sneezing could mean a "cold". Medicines like Vet Rx can be helpful. If this turns into a deep chest gurgling and coughing then you may have a respiratory infection to deal with.

Hope it works out.
No it wouldn't be from your kids.

Here are some articles:
see "my chicken has a cold Part I, II, and III"

Like Daught. of Eve said though, it could be environmental. Check your ammonia levels in the morning when you let them out. Do you smell ammonia in the coop after they have spent the night in there? Have you switched to a dusty feed?
One of them does sound very gurgly and think she is coughing, sounds like she is quacking like a duck. I wiped her nostril and got all the gunk off her beak, will check the local vet to see if they have anything. Or maybe my local poultry place where i buy their feed might have something.

Thanks for the reply, greatly appreciated.
I had some with a little mucous on the beak and some "coughing." I put some Tylan in the water for a few days, then some apple cider vinegar later on. Went away after 3-4 days.
Rang my produce place and they said to put a teaspoon of Sulpher in a litre of water and replace their drinking water with it - should clear up within 3 days.... but not to eat the eggs that they produce during that time...

Anyone got any other ideas which wouldnt affect the eggs - I think to throw away 6-8 eggs is a bit of a waste..

If you go onto the emergency/injury/illness/cure section there are often threads there regarding respiratory illnesses. I have used vet rx in the past and that seems to work well. It can be ordered from Also, If you go to the search area at the top of the page and put in respiratory illnesses or coughing, you will get to some very specific threads.

Good luck. Hope they aren't really ill, as some of the respiratory viruses can be serious.

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