Chickens with lice

I use either Sevin dust(you can buy this at walmart or home depot in lawn and garden) or Adam's flea and tick spray(pet section). Dust or spray them down--be careful not to get in the eyes or in the vent. Get under the wings and base of the tail as that is the lice favorite spots and do this ASAP! Chicken mites/lice can cause a chicken to become anemic very quickly as they bite and suck their blood.
to make a dust bath box do this
take 3 lbs of sand or soil and add a cup of sevin dust or DE
and they will dust in it

add newly items again in a week

also I would clean out the chicken coop with the following

sounds like you need to clean and delouse the chicken houses

I really believe it is some kind of feather mite
give the chickens after cleaning and spraying the coop this
2 tbsp of ACV in a gallon of water

also some feed it to all chickens
wet mash probiotic
1 qt of dry crumbles
1/4 cup of yoguart
1-1/2 qt of milk any kind
mix good and feed each adult chicken 3 tbsp of wet mash probiotic

*****I also would take a look at the chicken house and see if any of the building has split boards or knot holes as the mites live there and feed on the birds
thus you can paint the spots of the building with

1 qt of kerosene
1 qt of mineral oil
with paint brush apply to the roosts and knot holes and cracks in the boards

also clean the bedding out of the building and put seven 5% on the floor before putting the beding in

this wetmash probiotic will build up their systems as the mites and lice have depleted their blood system a lot
To use DE here is information

FIRST WEAR A MASK when handling the DE, like putting it on the chickens floor
or making a dust box with it
3 lbs of sand or soil
1 cup of de makes good dust box when they get older
I would think it could be stored in the sack in a garbage can with lid
then the moisture won't get to it

It will not harm the chicks but as you wear a mask maybe don't throw it around crazy like
but be more careful when putting it down as they will be in there

I think that I would do a section like 1/4 of the coop and then after the De put the beding on this amt
then go from there to finish the De and bedding

as the chicks will tend to stay in the new bedding on the floor
while you are putting the rest down
always keep the DE then bedding between you and the chicks

It is 2 parts DE and 8 part feed every day
if using a cup measure then do that

any questions email me


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