Chickens with lice!

Someone in the peafowl forum did an experiment where they put a bunch of lice in a jar of it. Of course some died, but several days later many were still alive.


But it's suppose to make them shrivel up and die haha
Joking aside, you can't really get more proof that it doesn't do anything next to doing the experiment over yourself.
After looking at the ingredients you would really have to do some math to figure the amount for a chicken. I think you'd be better off getting a burlap bag, or anything handy, pouring in some 5% sevin, sticking the chickens in up to their neck, and giving them a good dusting. You'll want to completely clean and dust (or spray whatever you have) every single nook and cranny of their coop and run. I would do it again in two weeks to make sure any hatching eggs are eliminated also. Keep checking them over and redoing it until you see no more of the nasty buggers.
DE serves well as a will not treat an infestation of anything without God and luck!

One of my girls has lice - so pretty sure its a safe assumption that they could all have it - I live in Canada and DryKill and Sevin are not available - well actually I have called 4 Co ops and Country shops all have said they only thing they allowed to sell me is DE - is it safe to use a flea powder for a dog on a chicken??

I have no idea what else to try. I want to deal with this as quickly as possible - as the warm weather is right around the corner! I want the lice GONE before they start laying eggs!!

I wouldn't be worried to much about what kind of bug is on them. I would get them treated PDQ. I know people that have had chickens all there life and get by with a wash tub of ashes in the coop, but if there infested already I would use something more toxic.

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