chickens won't go in their coop!

It sounds like you're now aware that a big part of your problem may have been due to your trying to get them to go inside while there was still too much light outside. If you adjust your "putting up" by a minute each night, as days are getting longer, and the reverse in fall, you will be more closely in tune with them.

If the cats are making you nervous, they probably are the chickens, too. A cyclone fence would still allow critters with nasty claws access to the chickens through the large mesh. Quarter inch hardware cloth 24 inches wide installed around the perimeter would greatly increase security. Then you need to figure out something so air predators and climbing ones can't get over the fence. Some people stretch bird netting over the top as long as you don't have any heavy duty climbing predators like bob cats or bears or raccoons. Make sure snakes or other burrowing critters can' get under the fence. You may need to run that hardware clothe part way underground.
Automatic doors are another method if one can't be around at dusk.

They're expensive at first glance but a good investment. I've been planning on building some but have procrastinated much to my chagrin.
I lost enough birds over time to afford an auto door on every housing unit. That's 15 doors.
All great info. Thanks y'all. I will check on automatic doors and additional protective measures. I haven't actually seen any cats or evidence of them around, I just don't want to walk in and find a dead chicken. That will break my heart.
Cats can be a problem but other predators are worse. Weasels/mink, raccoons, possums, dogs, foxes, coyotes.
The weasels and mink can get through 1" openings which includes chain link fence and will kill every bird.

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