Chickens wont roost yet


6 Years
Jun 27, 2013
I have 3 Silver Lace Wyandotte's and 2 Buff Orpington's. All are 16 weeks old. I recent put them in a new coop this week. The old one was too small. My old coop had no windows so I just assumed they where roosting at night. The new one has windows, so when I go out there at night I see them sleeping on the ground in a pile. Trying to figure out why they are not sleeping on the roost bars I put in there.

I am using 2x2's for the roost with the top corners rounded. One is about 1.5 feet off the ground. The other is about 3.5 feet off the ground. They are 18 inches apart.

Is it normal for chickens at 16 weeks to still not roost at night? Should I be worried? Is there anything I can do to train them?

Thanks for any help or advice. This is my 1st flock and 1st post on BYC.

I had that same problem when I got my first flock. I would put them on the roost and they would jump off and I eventually gave up. Maybe a week later 5 were on the roost and gradually increased over a few weeks. So I would give them awhile and some should start jumping up there to sleep. Good luck with your flock! :)
Give them time they will figure it out. Mine are always on their roost inside at night and on the ones i have outside for them. They love it.

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