Chickenstock fiesta yardsale August 21

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Is the lemon blue cochin a hen? If so, I may be interested... do you have a pic?

Also - does anyone want a 55 gal tank w/ black wood stand? What about a 29 gal w/stand and screen top? Let me know, because I probably won't make the drive unless I'll be getting rid of something!
I am hoping we can make this tomorrow. I have been battleing a headache all day long and jusy got on line now. If i feel up to it I will make the macaroni salad. Also, is anyone interested in the diamond doves? If not i dont want to stress them with the ride in the back of the truck, especially the mom on eggs. If I make it I still would like my jelly and gourds and pumpkins I had spoke to people about! Thanks!!! I also will have several guinea pig cages and misc. for sale too!
Hi all, we had a good time this morning. As usual the food was awesome, thank you Shay and Jose for all your hard work and hosting these Chickenstocks! Thank you Howaracres for the nice bumpy gourds, Thank you Debra for the pretty salmon faverolle pullet, she is so pretty, also for the jam, jellie and mini pumpkins! I may be tempted for a roo next time for her. I totally forgot to get raffle tickets this time and there were some really neat things I saw I would have liked to win too.
To the corgi owner (is it darbella??? I forgot to ask her name)
I got my 7yo pembroke welsh corgi from Morning Star Farm in Royalston MA. Looks like she is sticking to goldendoodles now.

, thanks so much again for taking my little baby! I hope he behaves for you

Also, (stupid question alert) are there different EE varieties to know what color they will lay? Like if we wanted to try for blue eggs, rather than green...?

OH NO! In my haste (since I knew my friend couldn't stay long) I forgot to ask if there was any hot pepper jelly left!

rhaj, EEs are all a gamble. If you want blue, you should try to find pure Ameraucanas.
Thank you muffi
btw, were you there with your daughter by any chance? My daughter was walking around with a girl, thought she may have been yours, but not sure. She said she is a dancer too (my daughter came from dance and was wearing in a leotard, I forgot to bring clothes for her!)

Do you have any idea where to get one, preferably a bantam? Otherwise I could just take a gamble on an EE, it's not crucial, we just thought it would be neat, lol

we had a great always! Thank you Shay and Jose. We are going to have sweet corn for dinner tonight!

My daughter (who's 2) was so exhausted, she slept from before we left Shay's til almost 2 hrs after we got home! But she sure loved running around---all that freedom! And she definitely needs a bath.
Had a great day oh my god i want a baby penguine glad to see every one today felt like a hang out day next one is oct 9 dont forget halloween theme
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