Chickenstock fiesta yardsale August 21

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They will love it anytime
Ours haven't shown any interest in the breeding thing as of yet, but you guys are usuaully a month ahead of us, even people here in Maine are warmer, we live in this valley that holds snow til like april lol, everything dumps here.

We are waiting on the pool for our ducks---the water buckets are still freezing at night, and even most days (here in SW NH). We do catch our ducks trying to swim in the buckets when they are freshly filled---LOL! We separated out our breeding pairs at the beginning of Feb, so should have some pure eggs by March. The girls are laying, and we've seen the boys breeding them. I bought 2 second-hand incubators, and we are hoping to try our hand at hatching DUCKLINGS this spring!
yep, my baby serama boys started crowing around 7-8 wks. It is hilarious when they start crowing!
My December hatch (that my silly hens insisted on doing) ended up with 4 girls and 3 boys. Darleen took a couple, i kept one girl, and sold the others thru a craigslist ad.

Abby, that tteny serama roo I picked up from you a couple weeks ago is starting to crow already! I almost fainted..what is he now, about 6 weeks???
yep, my baby serama boys started crowing around 7-8 wks. It is hilarious when they start crowing!
My December hatch (that my silly hens insisted on doing) ended up with 4 girls and 3 boys. Darleen took a couple, i kept one girl, and sold the others thru a craigslist ad.

Abby, that tteny serama roo I picked up from you a couple weeks ago is starting to crow already! I almost fainted..what is he now, about 6 weeks???

no, he's more like 2.5 months old. He was born about the middle of that staggered hatch, about December 9th or 10th. He was always the littlest chick. At one point, i switched the water dish from a shallow dish with marbles in it to a regular quart size chick waterer. The new waterer was set on a cool-whip container to keep it raised up from the litter, but i pushed litter up around it so the chicks could reach. I quickly discovered that this little guy still couldn't quite reach, so i put two small blocks of wood in next to the dish so he had a "step-stool". he was so adorable, standing on his step-stool, drinking water! I wish i had a photo of it, but i still see it in my mind. For a while i worried that he was so small compared to the others, but he never let that stop him. He could sqeeze himself in between bigger chicks and get his share of food when he wanted. Sometimes, 1 chick would find a larger bit of food, and they'd grab it and run around with it, with everyone else chasing after, trying to grab it. Or they'd play "keep away" with a feather! He could hold his own with the biggest of them, so i stopped worrying about his tiny size. It seems that he was the last to crow---his brothers were all crowing a few weeks ago, but his comb was big enough already, i suspected he was a boy by the time you took him. My kids wanted to keep him, but i really couldn't keep yet another roo, my ratio is already right about 50/50 on my Seramas, and i can't keep too many related ones. It would be fun to see him when he is fully grown and feathered out. You'll have to send me pics!
Cleaned the snow from two pens ahh i hate snow but now i can seperate my buff ducks and put out a pair borboun red turkeys
When did you get buff ducks??? They are kinda on our list of interest most anything buff, buff geese are next. Like we really NEED more waterfowl lol...

Glad to hear your little guy is still doing well....
When did you get buff ducks??? They are kinda on our list of interest most anything buff, buff geese are next. Like we really NEED more waterfowl lol... Glad to hear your little guy is still doing well....

I won them in the raffle at the nationals they r so cute
When did you get buff ducks??? They are kinda on our list of interest most anything buff, buff geese are next. Like we really NEED more waterfowl lol... Glad to hear your little guy is still doing well....

I won them in the raffle at the nationals they r so cute

Cool!!! Put us on the list please when you have some wee ones available, also the buff Turkeys
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