Chickenstock fiesta yardsale August 21

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For those of us who have never been to a Chickenstock, is it okay to bring plants (ornamental, herbs, etc) for swapping? And where should we look to get directions to get to the Chickenstock?
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Hello everyone,

I am going to post this in a couple of places so forgive me if your reading more than once

Yale contacted me to help them find a Polish Pullet or Young Hen. They would like a it to be either silver laced or golden laced. Does anyone know of a breeder that will be at the swap with a possible pullet hen like this?

Please contact me any input would be greatly appreciated!!!

Cool, more plant peeps!!

I should have some plants too---mainly perennials. Also bringing ducklings.
I can't make it Saturday. We will be haying the fields and I have to pick hay up off the fields Saturday. I wanted to go say hi to everyone and look at some ducks but I won't be able to this time. We will see how the haying goes, maybe I can make it to westford Sunday
That or Boston Poultry Show is on Sunday too!! Sorry we will not be seeing you there!! But, when it's time to hay, it's time to hay and it can't wait. Been there done that. I hope it's not to hot for you that day!! Best Wishes

OK, this is a long shot, as I have never seen anyone at Shay's or Westford with these, but I am looking for Red Dorkings, any age (from egg up to 2 years). Even just a roo. Or I can trade roo for roo. Hatching eggs? Let me know what you have?
Yes u can u can bring yardsale items to pm me for directions or u can google them

Thanks! I just saw the address on p.1 (I can't believe this thread has nearly 400 pages!!) and will use Google Maps.
I'm glad there will be other plant people. I'm bringing some perennials and also some kokedama -- it's a Japanese way of making a round ball of moss that you can put in a bowl of pebbles, etc. and it hardly needs any care. They're really cool! My DBF (who's Japanese and a gardener) taught me how to make them.
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So I understand there are usually hatching eggs available at the Fiesta. I started off with 1 broody hen and now there is also a silkie who has decided to be broody with this hen in the same box. So I will definitely be looking for a few fertile eggs and fertile silkie eggs or baby chicks to put under the broodies!:rolleyes:Does anybody recommend 1 way over the other (putting fertile eggs under or chicks under the hens) or does it not really matter?:)Thanks!
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