Chickentrain's Dog Q&A


Her sleeping next to her toy?…


If you're getting a dog from a reputable breeder, that dog will be healthy, go to a good home, fulfill the purpose you want for it (good luck herding with a beagle) and meet all of your expectations with that dog. it's perfectly fine for people to buy a dog from a rEPUTABLE breeder as opposed to adopting.
If you're getting a dog from a reputable breeder, that dog will be healthy, go to a good home, fulfill the purpose you want for it (good luck herding with a beagle) and meet all of your expectations with that dog. it's perfectly fine for people to buy a dog from a rEPUTABLE breeder as opposed to adopting.
but the shelter has such lovely doggies!
what??? no
he's sO easy
When people say a dog is not good for first time owners they mean somebody who has never really interacted with a dog before. You are training him and taking him on walks, so you know how to interact with a dog which means you are not a first time dog owner. Still might not be good to go out and get something like a husky if you don’t feel prepared, but maybe something like a Eurasier would be fine in my mind

At least this is what I think

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