Chickentrain's Dog Q&A

I didn't say they aren't supposed to, I said they don't have to.

You aren't supposed to put a scared small dog into a dog park

you are supposed to allow structured play time with trusted dogs.

but you don't need to let your dog play with other dogs at all, either.
So for training, put her on a leash and walk away from any dogs and grab her attention? Would it be smart to first teach heel?
Deacon is doing great. A little bit chunky, but I'm working on it.

I work at 4 every day so in the mornings my sister lets him out, at 12 ish I do some training and around 1-2pm we walk, and we train. Then I go to work and when I get home we play ball in the basement for a few mins/til he's tired.

I'm really busy, and really tired. I'm sharing news that in December its possible that I will be bringing home a Carolina dog puppy, but I'm not keeping my hopes up. I'm not sure that it is a good time, and I'm not sure if my parents will agree to let me puppy raise in their home, even though it will be 100% my responsibility.

With my job and graduating this year, we'll see. I'd like to graduate early, before the puppy comes home.. maybe take a gap year (it will help me catch up in age with the college freshman as well, LOL)

I love dogs, I'm exited for a future with a dog. My education comes first though. I need to be sure I can handle it.
Deacon is doing great. A little bit chunky, but I'm working on it.

I work at 4 every day so in the mornings my sister lets him out, at 12 ish I do some training and around 1-2pm we walk, and we train. Then I go to work and when I get home we play ball in the basement for a few mins/til he's tired.

I'm really busy, and really tired. I'm sharing news that in December its possible that I will be bringing home a Carolina dog puppy, but I'm not keeping my hopes up. I'm not sure that it is a good time, and I'm not sure if my parents will agree to let me puppy raise in their home, even though it will be 100% my responsibility.

With my job and graduating this year, we'll see. I'd like to graduate early, before the puppy comes home.. maybe take a gap year (it will help me catch up in age with the college freshman as well, LOL)

I love dogs, I'm exited for a future with a dog. My education comes first though. I need to be sure I can handle it.
Exciting! Hopefully you can get the puppy!
Any ideas to help a old fluffy dog keep cool? It is really hot at the moment, she has one of those cooling mats. She does not really like water
I had to stop practicing stacking because I don’t think it is very good for her joints

I have also stopped trying to train her to sit on touch command, instead I started just teaching her to stand which of course means she has started sitting

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