Chickentrain's Dog Q&A

I love beaucerons, they're pretty
although from what I understand, they're like a rottweiler mixed with a doberman but with some extra spice (temperament wise, they're not mixes lol)
which means? I don’t really know much about Rottweiler and Doberman temperament. The UK Beauceron club says they are used as service dogs, which interest me because I may need a service dog at some point
which means? I don’t really know much about Rottweiler and Doberman temperament. The UK Beauceron club says they are used as service dogs, which interest me because I may need a service dog at some point
High drive (but not as much so as a belgian shepehrd, smart, loyal, guarding instincts, high exercise requirements
Has anyone here used a harness in this style or similar?

I'd like to get a nose work harness for Finn, and this style is popular because of the handle and back leash clip. I also like that many offer velcro strips for patches (I would get his name) on the sides. However, I've heard some say that they restrict shoulder movement.

An option is to buy a crappy one for cheap and see if it restricts his movement at all (not using it for nosework) and if we like it, could get a nice one.
How do you all do nails? We've always used a Dremel. Yesterday I introduced Freya to it, but she wanted to sniff, bite, lick it. I didn't get any nails done, but hopefully we can make progress.
Lots of treats (I just use their food)! And having someone hold and praise the stubborn ones while you do it really helps. I give a treat after doing each paw and a few treats and lots of praise for coming to me and when they're finished. I use clippers. I also use an artist lightbox in a dark room so I can see through their nails (my dogs have pink nails so it's pretty easy) and one of my dogs even runs over and sits with one of her paws up when she sees me get out the lightbox!

I learned from my past mistakes...My first Boston would try to bite me and the clippers. I didn't give treats or praise enough and I hit the quick too often because I didn't use a light. I remember having to clip one or two nails at a time while she was sleepy.
Speaking of nails, how often do you all trim your dogs' nails? I trim once a week. I couldn't believe most places recommend trimming once a month! ?? :confused:
That's what should be done. We don't do Finn's as often as we should because he has such a negative reaction to the nail clippers. I have no idea why, and no idea how to get rid of that reaction.
That's what should be done. We don't do Finn's as often as we should because he has such a negative reaction to the nail clippers. I have no idea why, and no idea how to get rid of that reaction.
He might have gotten hurt while having his nails clipped, which often leads to dogs that will not allow anyone to take hold of their paws for fear of experiencing this pain once again.

I think it more important to restore the confidence, than clipping his nails every week.
Just play with him and praise him a lot when holding each of his paws for just a short moment without working on them at all. And when he is comfortable with you holding his paws and touching each of his toes for a while longer, then just use a rasp for his nails and make a game of it.

ETA: When he is old enough to run beside you on a bike tour, his nails will get short enough on their own from running on hard surfaces.
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He might have gotten hurt while having his nails clipped, which often leads to dogs that will not allow anyone to take hold of their paws for fear of experiencing this pain once again.
Neither my mom nor I can remember this happening, but it is definitely possible. He will allow us to hold his paws, and is fine with seeing the nail clippers, but at soon as the paw is in one hand and the clipper is in another, he will start trying to pull his paw away. We always let him because we don't want to create a traumatic experience.
I think it more important to restore the confidence, than clipping his nails every week.
Just play with him and praise him a lot when holding each of his paws for just a short moment without working on them at all. And when he is comfortable with you holding his paws and touching each of his toes for a while longer, then just use a rasp for his nails and make a game of it.
What is a rasp?
ETA: When he is old enough to run beside you on a bike tour, his nails will get short enough an their own running on hard surfaces.
We walk him on hard surfaces but don't run him on them because of his age.

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