Chickies due march 19th!

Mine are coming the 20th and 21st. I started a thread on Saturday for anyone to join in with me. I have 2 others that said they are close and would join me. You are welcome to come too. Seems that not too many people for that week though.

Here's the link if you like.
Mine are due the same day as well! I set 18 Buff and White Silkies, 3 OEGB, 9 EE, 3 Standard Game cross, 3 Red Sex-Link, and 5 Brahma or Barred Rock crosses. We should keep each other posted on the progress. Best of luck, and hopefully lots of chicks.
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Me too! I set mine on Feb 26, so they're due to catch March 19th. It's my first hatch too!! I bought the brinsea eco 20 incubator and love it "so far".

I set 11 salmon favorelles, 3 black copper marans, and 2 golden cuckoo marans from pasofinofarm (shipped eggs) and also 6 crossbreed eggs from a local gal. Yesterday I realized Sophie, our brahma banty hen, is broody, so I tucked 4 of the above eggs under her. She's so cute...

I also got our shipment of chicks on Friday, too. We also raise Polish rabbits and have 5 does due on Tuesday! It's a population explosion at our home.

This is going to be my first set of incubated eggs. Have ordered live chicks before but convinced my fiance to let me buy an incubator lol. Read up on it alot before i finally decided to try it. Im hatching mainly mixture eggs. And one from a friend who has some big reddish chickens.

Also have a dwarf rabbit due to have kits at the begining of the month by my lop buck. This is her last chance to take care of her babies, have bred her 2 times in the past. This time she gets completely seperated and isolated so no excuses for not caring for them.
yeppy, there are atleast a couple of us hatching that week! So excited for the first time hatchers! i hatched for the first time last year and it was AWESOME!! my hatch rates were actualy really good for shipped eggs and that it was my first time! There is so much excitment, i already candled and it's only day 2! i will mess with them every day probably.... they are my eggs, so there is no money in it! Have a great hatch!
I have 9 standard salmon faverolle eggs from mcCallums flock due to hatch on the 19th im really excited but i here there hatch rates are a little uhh terrible.......

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