Chickies due march 19th!

I have a chick Standard Game/Light Brahma
, and 1 more pip. Happy to hear there is chirping in more then my incubator.
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

I have chicks due the 29th and 30th. The broody hen is setting on 2 green eggs, 1 BO egg, and 1 bantam egg. 4 eggs in all.

Exciting! Where are the rest of the people with chicks due on the 19th from this thread? Are you having any success yet with your lockdown? My birdies started a little early and I have four chicks (3 Brahma cross, 1 White Silkie) and 6 Silkie pips.
Best of luck all.​
Nothing yet for me but last time i candled there were still over half of them moving around. Will post pics as they hatch.
Just came home to chirping noises from under the silkie!!
Careful check revealed one BCM hatched

So far no more pips, so we'll see.
No update from the out-of-home brooder yet.
Hope you have some chicks hatch out as well Chickygirl55 I do believe these are the standardy byc hatching vibes of goodness
My chicks are pretty busy coming out now, they seemed to miss the day 21 memo, and think day 20 sounds great.
Yep, they didn't get that 21 day memo...
Incubator check phone call: at least 4 chicks are out.

I'll try to resist the urge to drive over and get them until tomorrow ...
I posted on this thread way back at the beginning....and today I got 4 chicks hatched! Yay!! Of the original bunch, I set four under the broody on day 2 and those 4 have all hatched. So far, none are hatched in the incubator. But i have 4 tiny pips with one that is every so s-l-o-w-l-y pecking at the broken shell. It's torture watching it!

Here are two mixed mutts and 2 salmon favorelles hatched out today.



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