Chickies throwing straw at me!

I know - I think they are all just spoilt and the straw is a tantrum! the boys show me more respect! my little lads have never thrown straw at me! the chicks could learn a thing or two from the cockerels! Looks it may be back to late nights trying to get them back on the roosts - although I also think it may be they are scared of the strong winds we have this winter-they all like to sleep huddled together. We have had to rope the coops to the fences! 50mph is the average at the moment-looking forward to the spring! Alternatively I could put them in coops of chocolate so at least they can throw things I like! hehehe!
now thats a plan!!!
well they've definitely got sufficient fresh bedding-a few of them I think are related more to ducks with the amount of poo I find in the morning. Still they are cuties and quite a few including the cockerels want a cuddle in the morning-Some of them jump out of the nest box when i'm cleaning them out in the morning and jump onto my arms until I give them a cuddle and tell them I have to go to work! Wouldn't swap them in the world.

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