Chicks a hatching UPDATE Pics added page 1


Orpingtons Bama Style
12 Years
Nov 14, 2007
My hatch started late Friday nite. They are still pipping and popping out. They should be done by tonite. Guess what? I have not opened the Bator. No not once. I have Orps and silkies in there. Will take pics when done


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That's wonderful!

What colors do you have in there? Rooting for a 100% hatch. Silkie fluffybutts are the cutest thing alive & yours are particularly nice
I just have white silkies in this batch. I have black Orps out of my black pen and I had a few Blue Boy eggs that were growing. I hope they hatched. I can't tell that much looking through two small foggy windows except i do see a few white silkies and lots of black. I think i see a blue chick but I will able to see colors better when I open it. There are still some zipping away right now. I had 23 eggs in there total I think
Still haven't opened the bator. I can see three eggs that haven't hatched yet and one i can see pipping. Can't tell on the ohers cause everytime i shine the light the chicks run to it and cover the eggs. A few have fluffed. I see one Orp with a few egg shells stuck to his back. Probably won't take them out tonite. Will be morining at this point.

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