Chicks and a Pekin poorly šŸ˜«


Aug 11, 2023
Hi , I need some advice and appreciate in advance of all replies.
I did a coup clean recently and tried out the new bedding I bought, a medicated Straw chip and now my chicks have eye irritation and a Pekin hen is wheezing.
Is medicated and dust extracted but looks fairly dusty on further inspection. They were fine until bedding change then following day this all started.
Hi , I need some advice and appreciate in advance of all replies.
I did a coup clean recently and tried out the new bedding I bought, a medicated Straw chip and now my chicks have eye irritation and a Pekin hen is wheezing.
Is medicated and dust extracted but looks fairly dusty on further inspection. They were fine until bedding change then following day this all started.
I agree, I'd remove the bedding asap and use what you normally use.

I've never seen a medicated straw chip either - can you please post a photo of the bag or give a link to the product. I'd be interested to know what it is and read the labeling.

Thank you.
I can't attach a video..but I inspected the product and it seems fairly dusty and a duller colour to what's advertised. The manufacturer advised me to use it up and if not happy then will replace it šŸ˜”
Also stated it's not medicated and yet the website states that it is. Maintains the product may be a little substandard but reckons my level of standards and expectations for the product are set too high!! He stated I have too high of an attention to detail that others would just ignore this
"After cleaning the straw is subsequently treated with a bactericide and mould inhibitor to make it a hostile environment for any such organisms."

It doesn't say the brand name of what they're using so I wouldn't trust it even for myself to be exposed to. I clicked the link they provided to see their product line in case it might explain and my computer blocked it as malware.

He stated I have too high of an attention to detail that others would just ignore this
Those words would have turned me off right there.

If you signed up for any kind of auto-ship or gave your credit card to pay for this, I'd be inclined to cancel the card and get a new one.
I can't attach a video..but I inspected the product and it seems fairly dusty and a duller colour to what's advertised. The manufacturer advised me to use it up and if not happy then will replace it šŸ˜”
Also stated it's not medicated and yet the website states that it is. Maintains the product may be a little substandard but reckons my level of standards and expectations for the product are set too high!! He stated I have too high of an attention to detail that others would just ignore this
"After cleaning the straw is subsequently treated with a bactericide and mould inhibitor to make it a hostile environment for any such organisms."

It doesn't say the brand name of what they're using so I wouldn't trust it even for myself to be exposed to. I clicked the link they provided to see their product line in case it might explain and my computer blocked it as malware.

Those words would have turned me off right there.

If you signed up for any kind of auto-ship or gave your credit card to pay for this, I'd be inclined to cancel the card and get a new one.
I agree, I wouldn't use it. I'd cut my losses, clean out the bedding that's in the coop and never purchase any more.
Keep that high attention to detail and level of standard, that company seem (or at least the customer service rep) is lacking.
I agree, I wouldn't use it. I'd cut my losses, clean out the bedding that's in the coop and never purchase any more.
Keep that high attention to detail and level of standard, that company seem (or at least the customer service rep) is lacking.
Thank you and to all who have responded. I removed the bedding and opted back to shavings. Believed I was doing a decent thing for wintering my birds with this type of bedding. My Pekin chicks are looking better but some of my adults are looking poorly. Irritated eyes etc šŸ˜”
Thank you and to all who have responded. I removed the bedding and opted back to shavings. Believed I was doing a decent thing for wintering my birds with this type of bedding. My Pekin chicks are looking better but some of my adults are looking poorly. Irritated eyes etc šŸ˜”

Having pretreated bedding that kills mites and lice, but causes no harm to chickens, would be a Godsend. Don't feel bad as we're always looking for ways to make our chickens happier and hopefully less work for us.

Now that they're out of that environment, their eyes and health should just start improving. I think you owe them a treat though. šŸ˜Š

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