Chicks and Coops


In the Brooder
Aug 22, 2015
Arlington, TX
I am wanting to get chicks ASAP. Not sure about the breed just yet, however, we will be out of town for a few days in late December. How old do chicks have to be before you can safely leave them outside, 24/7, in their enclosed coop/run? We're in N Texas, so, we do get freak ice storms. We're just wondering if we need to wait until the New Year to get our chicks as we cannot guarantee anyone will want to chick sit
I'm glad that you're thinking ahead! No matter the season, it's best to have a neighbor/ friend/ family member who's able to check on your birds daily. because things happen... Mary
I didn't put my chicks outside until they were about 5/6 weeks. They could probably manage those days alone as long as you can gauge their food and water intake. It depends on how many chicks you have and how big the waterer/feeders are, but it is always good to have a knowledgeable neighbor around just in case the water or food needs refilled. Cold shouldn't be a problem in Texas. I will be gone 2 days this November and I'm confident my 10 chickens will survive on 10 lbs of food and a full waterer but I will have my neighbor check on them. You'll LOVE your chickens. Good luck and hope this helps.

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