*CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

Thanks....great incubation pix. I bought an incubator this past summer... but all summer long I had a broody hen (buff orphington) she would go next door to sit on her eggs in some bushes...(the neighbor is oblivious) I would count the days and after about 20 days, I put the eggs under a heat lamp... (yeah I stole them from Mom)..... She had over 35 babies this summer... I had to find her a new home on a farm cos I live in the suburbs. (thank god I don't have deed restricts so I can have my coop of 24 birds!).... Anyway I actually had to sell my hybrids to a feedstore. I sure would like to try and incubate some more fancy type chickens like silkies.
Thanks again for the pix, it shows a lot of dedication. I love chickens too!
The above statement is seen to be contradictory. The situation is very critical and need an experience complainer to resolve it. Hat’s off. Well done, as we know that “hard work always pays off”, after a long struggle with sincere effort it’s done. This conversation is going no where. It’s lacking the place of a good leader to head the things to come out on conclusion
Wow this thread is so helpful! I have 34 silkie eggs
in the bator right now, and its day 6. I compared all of the eggs with your pics, and i found out 26 are coming along nicely, 4 are clear, and 4 have blood rings. I wont toss any eggs until day 10 though (that would be this friday) Thanks for all the info!
I just hatched 2 eggs from my Barred Rock hen and Buff Leghorn Roo. They both came out yellow. I started their incubation on a whim with a pyrex bowl and a desk lamp. This worked! I did end up buying an incubator for the last week or so because I was worried the bulb would burn out at night. I am trying to figure out if my chicks are hens or roos. Tried the flight feather inspection and didn't find anything obvious. I read somewhere that when mixing a barred hen and a buff male that the hens would take on the buff color and the males the barred traits....I can't find this site again though. My first chick hatched right as we were about to sit down for Thanksgiving dinner. The other came later that evening.

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