*CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

Here is the "blue" egg.

Wow your pics are super! and have been a huge help! thank you very much :) i'm slowly learning a bit more each time i have a go at hatching my isa red girls eggs with the daddy been a bantam cross rhodesian red...never know what we are going to get!! our recent hatchlings came out a real mix with the first 2 being tiny little yellow fluffs and then the next few could have passed as emu chicks!! :)
thanks again
Im hatching my own eggs for the first time right now. I come back to this thread daily to compare! Thanks for posting!
If I'm hatching 100 eggs how do I candle them without loosing core temp? seems like opening the incubator for long enough to candle 100 eggs would drop my egg temps. would I candle like 20 a day? and break the candling time up? thanks for any answers.
Thank you for this! I am on day 15 and am glad to know what I see is normal! Your pictures are great, and I have a video of the chick inside moving as well!
hi there, its my first experience with bantams nesting. it's already day 22 and nothing has happened. I count day 1 on march 5, and yesterday day 21. I candled them yesterday and I see the airsacs, at the top, but the rest is all black and I don't see any movement in the black part...even when I twist and turn the egg. what's going on? should I pull the eggs from the hens? they've been working so hard to hatch them, and nothing's happening. please advise! thank you. they are Malaysian serrama chickens.
hi there, its my first experience with bantams nesting. it's already day 22 and nothing has happened. I count day 1 on march 5, and yesterday day 21. I candled them yesterday and I see the airsacs, at the top, but the rest is all black and I don't see any movement in the black part...even when I twist and turn the egg. what's going on? should I pull the eggs from the hens? they've been working so hard to hatch them, and nothing's happening. please advise! thank you. they are Malaysian serrama chickens.

I am new to this thread but have hatched hundreds & hundreds of chicks. I would not pull them yet. I have had eggs go days over due & be just fine.
Are these with broody hens?
I don't usually candle but just bought an Ova scope high intensity candler & gave it a try yesterday. What fun.........

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