*CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

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omg this was the most awesome thread i've ever seen................. question....
do you think this led light u used would candle our emu eggs... we've never been able to candle an emu... also did u use the cool blue or neutral white light light as the page shows a choice in purchasing..... we've been candeling our eggs 4 ever w/ a redneck homade coffee can one i built..works great except on green eggs and dark eggs... so i must buy one..please reply with advice...again awesome thread.. the most informative and detailed i've ever seen.... dana
We have a neutral white light. However, it does struggle with standard sized green egg, so I doubt you'll be able to see though an emu egg. The eggs in the pics are brown/tinted bantie eggs so there is less shell and volume for light to have to go though. If I remember the blown out emu eggs I saw with carvings on them, I think you'll be hard pressed to get any light though them. If you'd like to try, I would suggest a projector as that will have many more directed focused lumens than the hand held flashlights. If you can get something to penetrate though emu eggs, do post about it!!!
thanks 4 the info.. yeah an emu egg is not only dark but soooo thick.. gonna experiment with this a bit.. if i ever have any success i'll deff. posts, because i've never heard of someone candeling an emu egg.. just weighing them, since the weight decreases as baby really forms.. thank you again.. you're sooooooo smart!
which ones better?

Depends on your overall applications. I like the eagletac because of it's high out put and long life modes. It makes for a good daily carry flashlight. The Surefire is tried and true though and has been around much longer. It is a popular longer standing brand for tactical gear while eagletac is still new on the scene.

Countrychics: Good luck with the emu's! When our little postal scale worked, we often weighed the chicken eggs to check for proper humidity over time.
I'm having trouble with incubating eggs. I candle them and see that they are fertile, and they develop well. I can even see the baby inside, but they seem to die a day or two before hatching. I has happened with both chicken and duck eggs. I have one of those white incubators from TSC. I keep it in the basement, so there is little temp. change. Any ideas what could be happening???

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