Chicks are thinking about coming outside

I have give em yogurt before, they love that. I would love to hear more about your meal worm farm, you know, what it takes to get them started and what not.
We've had ours for about two years now, and we still have to do nightly roundup, it's thier routine. The chicks do it way easier then the grown ones. It's just funny, watching Jim out there playing cowboy. lol
I found that if at night now when i want them in I call and have a plate in my hand of treats and they go for them when i set them in the coop. Presto their in, close the door. Jean
Well, they all come running out as soon as I open the door for them every morning now. And after it has been dark for about 45 minutes to an hour they are all inside. The first two nights I had to actually pick the remaining loiterers (sp?) up and put them into the hen house. They got the idea finally. They are outside right now just as happy as ducks in a pond.

Now, if they will just start laying eggs.
Yay i'm glad they like it outside

Our girls have always taken themselves up to bed when it got dark, but when we moved our first batch of chicks outside we had to put them to bed for week or so, then they got the idea and took themselves off to bed too.
Mine were living in my house when I first started putting them in the run. At first they HATED the coop, and would run out of it into the coop. I think they associated it with the adult chickens, who are always mean.

Suddenly the other day I went out and found all of them IN the coop in the middle of the day. I think they realized that during the day the adults are in the run and the coop is a safe place to play. So I put some food up there for them.

They love being in the coop and run, but at night they don't want to go into the coop on their own. It'll be dark and they'll still be in the run screaming bloody murder because it's dark and they want to go into MY house, not the coop. I have to grab ALL the babies and put them in a special hiding spot in the coop and they still scream bloody murder.
How old are they ? Can't you section off a place for them to be at night where they are sererated from the big ones ?

I don't think I would want my chickens to think they should live in my house !

At my house the chickens live in the coop unless they are injured or sick.

I do keep the young ones in brooder in the garage as it is cold here and they need a warmer place until fully feathered out.
Just be careful about getting them in. My chicks are 9 weeks old and have been in the coop for 3-4 weeks. I locked them up the first week and then opened the pop door..took a week or so for them to get interested in going in the run, they have now been going in and out of the run pretty regular.. (I have 20+ so hard to keep track of who is in and out). We have had bitter cold weather this last week, today apparently 3 chicks went in the run and could not figure out how to get back in?????? My Speckled Sussex Cockerel froze. They are locked in the coop again until better weather. (We do not live at our farm so I cannot just run out there and check on them)

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