Chicks arrived, one more question


10 Years
Oct 29, 2010
Thanks to all who gave me the sound advise for my broody hen. As of yesterday I now have, as far as I can tell, two gorgeous chicks hatched from five eggs. My question is how long after the 21 days should I leave the unhatched eggs under mum? She still won't get off the nest although she is eating ang drinking small quantities. Surely she must need to stretch her legs and have a poo?

Thanks again
Mine eventually left for 15 mins or more and as quickly they were gone they were back again
Let the hen decide when to bring her chicks off the nest and abandon the other eggs. I've had hens that were off the nest within 24 hours. I've had some that took more than two days after the first chicks hatch. The chicks can go days without food or water thanks to absorbing the yolk. That's why they can be shipped in th email. Mama will bring them off when she is ready.

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